摘 要:随着生产要素全球化,企业已成为社会经济中最基本的市场主体和最重要的经济力量,企业在社会中扮演的角色越来越重要。但企业与社会其他关系主体之间的关系却不容乐观,企业在创造巨大财富的同时,出现了诸多严重损害消费者、侵害员工权益,虚假信息披露,污染环境的事件。沉重的社会代价以及巨大社会成本的付出使企业与股东之外的利益相关者的关系不断恶化,同时也影响了企业自身健康、快速的发展。传统经济理论即“股东中心主义”(Central Shareholder,简称CS)受到越来越多的质疑,“企业社会责任”(Corporate social responsibility,简称CSR)理论由此取得了越来越大的话语权。
With the globalization of production factors, enterprise has become the most basic market power and the most important economic strength in social economy, which also plays an increasingly important role in our society. However, the relationship between enterprise and other social relations is not optimistic, while enterprise creating huge wealth, there is also a lot of serious events turned up, such as the phenomena of again sting the interests of consumers, false information disclosure, environmental pollution and so on. Heavy social costs as well as enormous social costs paying led to deterioration of the relationship between enterprise and other non-shareholder benefit counterparts, and at the same time affected the healthy and rapid development of enterprise itself. Central Shareholder -the traditional economic theory is more and more questioned, and the theory of "corporate social responsibility" has been made more and more right to speak.
So what is corporate social responsibility? What is the foundation of the rationality of its existence from the Law and Economics point of view ? On the basis of combing and analyzed related theories of predecessors, this paper will solve those problems with law and economics research methods. In the first part of this paper, by summarizing related literatures, this paper made an outline of the origin of enterprise community responsibility, and summarized the development of enterprise community responsibility on the basis of related research abroad. In the second part, analyzed enterprise community responsibility frome the law and economic point of view. Firstly, studied the difference of defying enterprise socialy responsibility between domestic and foreign scholars, and proposed the author’s own opinion on the basis of summaring those definitions; secondly, elaborated the enterprise community responsibility’s validity with law and economic theory based on the transaction cost theory and the modus operandi between the enterprise and non-shareholder benefit counterparts. In the third part of this article, obtained the necessity of the rules and regulations of enterprise community responsibility on the basis of “cost - - income” method, and summaried the related legislations of enterprise community responsibility in our country. finally ,carried on practive exploration to the enterprise community responsibility construction of our country on our country’s actual situation
Key words: Enterprise, corporate social responsibility, Law and Economics