摘 要:票据行为无因性原则的含义是指票据行为有无效力,与作为其发生前提的实质性的原因关系相分离,从而使票据行为的效力不再受原因关系的存废或者其效力有无的影响。由于对国际间票据结算、流通产生积极的作用,这一现代票据法的基本原则早已为国际社会所普遍承认和遵守。然而遗憾的是该原则至今仍未在我国的法律理论和票据业务实践中形成共识。随着我国对外开放政策的不断深入,与各国经济联系日益密切与广泛,轻易否定或者模糊界定票据行为的无因性原则都会对我国融入经济全球化和一体化的进程产生巨大的影响。因此本文主张我国应在法律上明确确立票据行为的无因性原则,这主要是基于票据行为无因性原则本身的价值、意义;世界各国在这一原则上的立法规定;以及我国现阶段的立法和司法实践的考虑,更重要的是它能够实现票据流通和票据安全的相对完美的结合。
关键词: 票据行为 票据关系 无因性 相对性 立法完善
The principle of non-causa in bill refers to the validity of bill conduct is separatedfrom the cause relation, so the cause relation have no influence on the bill conduct. Theprinciple has been widely acknowledged in the world as a basic principle of the bill law.However, it is a pity that by now it has not gained common acceptance in legal theoryand bill operation in China. With the deepening of China''s open up policy, China hasdeveloped wider and closer economic relationships with other countries. It will bringgreat impact on China''s economic globalizing process to easily deny or ambiguouslydefine non-causa in bill conduct principles. It is proposed that China should establishdefinite non-cause in bill conduct principle based on the value and significance ofnon-cause in bill conduct;legal rules of other countries, consideration on the presentlegal and justice practice, and what is more important ,the capability to perfectlycombine bill negotiability and bill security.
There still exist deficiencies in non-causa in bill conduct at the present stage andother evil influences in practical life. We have long way to go to construct and perfectnon-causa in bill conduct. Only after we fully consider the present situation and borrowadvanced experiences from other countries can we instill the non-cause in bill conductprinciple into bill legal system, so as to better serve healthy and orderly development ofChina''s social market economy.
Key words:bill conduct;bill relation; non-causa;relative; legislative improvement