关键词:商业贿赂 原因 危害 存在问题 治理对策
Since the reform and opening up in China, economic competition has been increasingly fierce. However, because of the immature market system and without a sound competition mechanism, coupled with reasons of the imperfect and lagged laws and regulations, the commercial bribery, once became extinct under the planned economic system, grew and spread in some industries again, or even become a "unspoken rules" of the market. It seriously undermined market economic order, fair competition mechanism and rational allocation of resources and labor, and was against the interests of the masses and affected badly the social atmosphere, induced corruption and economic crime, which has become an outstanding problem influencing the harmonious and stable social development in China. Therefore, it is quite necessary and urgent to use legal and administrative means to effectively regulate commercial bribery so as to safeguard healthy economic development. For the reason of lacking sound legal system and effective controlling measures to regulate commercial bribery, it is necessary to further study the issues of commercial bribery to improve the anti-commercial bribery legislation in order to combat commercial bribery more effectively.
Key words: Commercial Bribery;Reasons ;Disadvantages;Problems;Strategies
随着我国改革开放的不断深入,在经济转轨、社会转型、体制变换的过程中,商业贿赂作为一种新型的经济犯罪已渗透到社会许多领域,尤其是在权力比较集中、资金比较密集、资源比较紧缺、竞争比较激烈、商业利润比较丰厚的领域,如工程建设、土地出让、产权交易、医药购销、政府采购及资源开发和经销六大领域尤为严重,甚至已发展成为一种“潜规则”。同时在银行信贷、证券期货、商业保险、出版发行、体育、电信、电力、质检、环保等方面的商业贿赂行为也不容忽视。有调查显示,我国自1999年至2003年,工商系统共查处商业贿赂案件11404件,案值40.7亿元。在十五类不正当竞争案件中,商业贿赂案件的案值历年均为最高,占每年案值总额的1/3左右。2005年8月至2006年10月,全国共查处商业贿赂案件13376件,涉案金额37.66亿元。其中,涉及国家公务员的案件3128件,涉案金额9.68亿元。由此可见,商业贿赂危害之深,已严重破坏了我国正常的经济秩序,腐蚀了干部队伍,因此,有效治理商业贿赂是当前 党风廉政建设、反腐工作和司法工作的重点,势在必行,而我国目前尚无完善的法律体系来规范、规制、防范、惩治商业贿赂行为,对商业贿赂犯罪的规定散见于《刑法》、《反不正当竞争法》及一些行政法规中,在这些法律法规中,亦存在界定模糊、覆盖范围狭窄、与国际立法衔接不够等问题,因此,本文在分析我国商业贿赂法律规制现状和存在问题的基础上,提出一些浅薄的立法和治理建议,以期对我国反商业贿赂立法的进一步完善略尽微薄之力。