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摘要:目的 探讨1970~1999年期间中山市膀胱癌发病状况及其趋势,为中山市膀胱癌防治提供科学依据。方法 收集、整理中山市1970~1999年期间肿瘤登记资料中的膀胱癌发病资料,统计分析其发病数、发病粗率、中国与世界标化发病率等指标。结果 1995~1999年期间中山市膀胱癌男、女与合计世界标化发病率分别为5.83/105、0.67/105、2.97/105,且1970~1999年期间其发病率具有明显上升趋势。结论 与国外相比,虽然中山市膀胱癌发病率处于较低水平,但与同期中国农村试点相比,则处于较高水平,说明中山市应加强膀胱癌的防治。
关键词: 膀胱肿瘤;发病率; 趋势

Analysis of bladder cancer incidence rate in Zhongshan city in 1970~1999
Abstract: Objectives To explore the incidence statue of bladder cancer and its trend in Zhongshan between 1970 and 1999, and to provide scientific information for its prevention and treatment in Zhongshan. Methods Incidence data of bladder cancer in Zhongshan in 1970~1999 was collected and collated, which came from Zhongshan cancer registry. Such indices as its incident number, crude incidence rate, China- and world-standardized incidence rate were calculated and analyzed. Results Its male, female and both World-Standardized incidence rate in 1995~1999 in Zhongshan were 5.83/105、0.67/105、2.97/105 respectively. And there were obviously increasing trend for its incidence in Zhongshan in 1970~1999.Conclusions: Although the incidence level of bladder cancer in Zhongshan was low worldwide, its incidence rate was high compared with those of China pilot rural areas at same time. It suggests that its prevention and treatment should been improved.
Key words: Bladder tumor; Incidence rate; Trend 目录:
1 材料与方法
2 结果
3 讨论

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