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关键词: 一氧化氮, 一氧化氮合酶,银屑病

 一氧化氮(NO)是半衰期很短的可扩散的自由基,是局部合成的有许多生理和病理生理功能的重要生物介质。越来越多的证据表明,这个简单的无机分子在整个皮肤复杂而多样的调节过程中起旁分泌介质的作用。NO是在一氧化氮合酶(NOS)作用下从L-精氨酸产生而来。NOS分原生型(cNOS)和诱生型(iNOS)。前者分神经元型(nNOS、ncNOS、bNOS、NOS1)和内皮型(e NOS、ecNOS、NOS3),是Ca2+/钙调蛋白依赖的,只有在细胞内Ca2+水平增高时才有活性,其NO合成持续时间短(数秒至数分)、水平低。在人皮肤,cNOS通路提供生物调节功能和自身稳定功能,所合成的NO通常起细胞间信号分子作用,介导神经传递,调节血管扩张、黑素形成以及对紫外线等环境刺激的保护性反应等。后者是非Ca2+依赖的,在转录水平调节,其活性需要新的mRNA和蛋白合成,酶活性可保持较长时间(数小时至数天),可在多种组织和细胞内被细胞因子和细菌产物所诱生,生产的NO可比原生型NOS生产的多达1000倍。高水平NO有非特异性防御功能和免疫调节、细胞毒活性。NO信号链的破坏已被证明和炎症、增生、皮肤癌及自身免疫性皮肤病有关。最近,人们对NO在人皮肤有重要作 用已取得一致意见,NO打开了一新的研究皮肤病临床和分子的前沿[1,2]。NOS、N O在银屑病等炎性皮肤病中的作用也越来越受到人们关注。
  1 NOS在人皮肤的定位、激活

  2 NOS、NO与银屑病临床病理联系

  3 药物治疗及其前景

1 Gerharz B D, Ruzicka T, Kolb-Bachofen V. Nitric oxide in hu man skin: current status and future prospects. J Invest Dermatol,1998,110(1):1
  2 Gerharz B D, Ruzicka T, Kolb-Bachofen V. Nitric oxide and its imp lications in skin homeostasis and disease-a review. Arch Dermatol Res,1998,290( 12):643
  3 Sakai M, Shimizu Y, Nagatsu I, et al. Immunohistochemical localizat ion of synthases in normal human skin and psoriatic skin. Arch Dermatol Res,1996 ,288(10):625
  4 Wang R, Ghahary A, Shen Y J, et al. Human dermal fibroblasts produc e nitric oxide and express both constitutive and inducible nitric oxide synthase isoforms. J Invest Dermatol,1996,106(3):419
  5 Baudouin J E, Tachon P. Constitutive nitric oxide synthase is present i n normal human keratinocytes. J Invest Dermatol,1996,106(3):428
  6 Sirsjo A, Karlsson M, Gidlof A, et al. Increased expression of indu cibl e nitric oxide synthase in psoriatic skin and cytokine-stimulated cultured kera tinocytes. Br J Dermatol,1996,134(4):643
  7 Ormerod A D, Weller R, Copeland P, et al. Detection of nitric oxide and nitric oxide synthases in psoriasis. Arch Dermatol Res,1998,290(1):3
  8 Kolb-Bachofen V, Fehsel K, Michel G, et al. Epidermal keratinocyte expression of inducible nitric oxide sythase in skin lesions of psoriasis valga ris. Lancet,1994,344(8915):139
  9 Rowe A, Farrell A, Kazmi S H, et al. Expression of inducible nitric oxide synthase in dermal microvasculature in psoriasis. Lancet,1994,344(8933):1 371
  10 Rowe A, Bunker C B. Localization of iNOS mRNA in psoriatic les ions by in situ hybridisation. Br J Dermatol,1996,135(5):841
  11 Morhenn V B. Langerhans cells may trigger the psoriatic disease proces s via production of nitric oxide. Immunology Today,1997,18(9):433
  12 Bewley A P, Levell N J, Foreman J C, et al. Involvement of nitric oxide in the erythema of psoriasis. Br J Dermatol, 1994,131(3):436
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  14 Weller R, Ormerod A. Increased expression of inducible nitric oxide sy nthase. Br J Dermatol,1997,136(1):136
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  16 Baker B S, Fry L. The immunology of psoriasis. Br J Dermatol,1992,126( 1):1
  17 Becherel P A, Mossalayi M D, Ouaaz F, et al. Involvement of cAMP a nd nitric oxide in the IgE-dependent activation of Fcε RII/CD23+ normal human keratinocytes. J Clin Invest,1994,93(5):2275
  18 Gerharz B D, Fehsel K, Suschek C, et al. A roonflammatory ac tivity of Interleukin 8 in human skin: Expression of the inducible nitric oxide synthase in psoriatic lesion and cultured keratinocytes. J Exp Med,1996,184(5):2 007
  19 Goodfield M, Hull S M, Holland D, et al. Investigations of the act ive edge of plaque psoriasis: vascular proliferation precedes changes in epiderm al keratin. Br J Dermatol,1994;131(6):808
  20 Becherel P A, Mossalayi M D, Goff L L, et al. Mechanism of ant i-inflammatory action of retinoids on keratinocytes. Lancet,1994,344(8936):1570

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