资料包括: 论文(7页8539字)
关键词: 遗传学,遗传咨询,优生学,优生优育,知情同意,知情选择,隐私
Science and Politics: Lessons from the History of Genetics
Abstract: The eight points consensus reached at the 18th International Congress on Genetics have great implications for the human genomes research and its application,and demonstrates the best approach to solve the difference between different cultures on the issues in genetics and its application. The eugenic practice of Nazis Germany and Lisenko’s school up and down in the former Soviet union left us unforgettable lessons. The debate around China’s "Maternal and Infant Health Care Law"reflects the interface between science, ethics and policy. The purpose of human genome research and genetic services should be for the promotion of individual health and the happiness of the family, and should not be for the reduction of disabled people. The principles of informed consent/choice and the autonomous decision-making of clients should be upheld in human genome research and genetic services.At the time when we hail the achievements of Human Genome Project, it is very important for us to keep the lessons of the history of genetics in mind.
Key Words:genetics;genetic consultation;eugenics;healthy birth;informed consent;informed choice;privacy
1 遗传学历史上的三段插曲(详细内容请参看邱仁宗.科学与政治
2 科学、伦理和政策在这里交叉
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