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资料包括: 论文(6页5533字) 
 摘要: 采用多种三维CT重建方法对骨盆病变的诊断和治疗开辟了美好前景。本文综述了国外研究人员采用这项新兴技术在骨盆骨折、各种原因导致的骨盆发育不良疾病诊治中的应用。此外三维CT对骨盆的正常解剖结构、病理及特殊疾病诊治也提供了新的定性、定量的方法
Clinial diagnosis of pelvis diseases with three-dimentional computed tomography
 Abstract:Three-dimentional CT reconstruction adopted in the diagnosis and treatment of the diseases of pelvis. The adaptable diseases of this new method include the factures and the hypogenesises arising from many reasons.The paper reviewed the application and progress of this technique .A new quantative and qualitive methods are provided for the pelvis anatomical structure,pathology.and the diagnosis-treatment of some special diseases as well.
Key words:three-dimensional CT; pelvis
骨盆解剖结构复杂,单纯使用平片结构重叠,图像变形,难以清楚显示病变。二维CT(Two-dimensional CT,2DCT)虽然可以避免前后重叠因素,但显示的是一系列二维断层图像,缺乏立体和直观感。九十年代三维CT(Three-dimensional CT,3DCT)的出现,其图像体现了骨盆三维解剖结构特点,对病变的诊断水平有较大提高。此外,通过对手术目标进行三维图像重建使临床医生对手术区域内的情况在术前加以认识,并进行术前手术设计及计算机模拟手术操作等充分演练,缩短了真正手术所需要的时间,提高了手术的安全性及手术质量。
  1 三维CT的扫描、重建、显示技术

  2 三维CT 在骨盆疾病诊断中的临床应用

  3 展望

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