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牵引成骨术(Distraction Osteogenesis,DO)的研究经历了从肢体骨的牵引延长到颅颌骨的牵引、从动物实验研究到临床应用、从外置式牵引装置到内置式牵引装置、从粗糙到精细的漫长发展过程[1],1973年,Synde等率先应用口外装置延长狗下颌骨取得成功[2]。此后,McCarthy等[3]在对下颌骨延长术做了大量、系统的实验研究的基础上,于1992年首先成功地将此技术应用于治疗先天性颅面部发育不良的下颌骨畸形。

1 牵引成骨术的组织学基础:

1 牵引成骨术的组织学基础:

2 截骨的方式及保存骨质血供的范围:

3 牵引成骨的技术参数:

4 牵引器械:

1.Tavakolik,Stewart KJ.Pool MD.Distraction osteogenesis in cranifacial surgery:A review.Ann Plast Surg,1998,40(1):88
2.Snyder CC,Levine GA,Swanson HM,Browne EZ,JR.Mandibular lengthening by gradual distraction:a preliminary report.Plast Reconsstr Surg 1973;51:506~508
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4.Yasui N,Kojimoto H,Shiomura Y.The effect of distraction upon bone,Muscle and periosteum.Orthop Clin North Am,1991;22:563~567
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7.Ilizarov GA.The principles of the Ilizarov Method.Bull Hosp J Dis Orthop Inst,1988;48:1
8.Kojimoto H,Yasui N.Bone lengthening in rabbit by callus distraction:the role of perosteum and endosteum.J Bone Joint Surg,1988;70B:543
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10.Sugyihara T,kawashima K,Lgawa H,et al.Mandibular lengthening by gradual distraction in humans.Eur J Plast Surg,1981;67:591
11.Karp NS,Thorne CHM,McCarthy JG,et al.Bone lengthening in the craniofacial skeleton.Ann Plast Surg,1990;24:231
12.Costantino PD,Friedman CD,Shindo ML,et al.Experimental mandibular regrowth by distraction osteogenesis(longterm results).Arch Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg,1993;119:511
13.Costantino PD,Shybut G,Friedman CD,et al.Yerofeyev SA.Morphological characteristics of angiogenesis in a myofascial tissues of the limb elongated by the Ilizarov method.Bull Hosp Jt Dis,1995;54:76~84
15.Bell WH,Harper RP,Gonzalez M,Cherkashin AM,Samchukov ML.Distraction osteogenesis to widen the mandible.Br J Oral Maxillofac Surg,1997;35:11~19
16.White,Kenwright.The timing of distraction of an osteotomy.J Bone Jt Surg(Br),1990,72:356
17.De Bastiani G,Aldegheri R,RenziBrivio L,et al.Limb lengthening by callus distraction.(callotasis).J pediatr Orthop,1987,7:129
18.Ilizarov GA.Clinical application of the tensionstress effect for limb lengthening.Clin Orthop,1990,250:8
19.Corcoran J,Hubli EH,Salyer KE.Distraction osteogenesis of costochondral neomandibles:a clinical experimence.Plast Reconstr Surg 1997;100:311~315
20.Panjaba MM,Lindsey RW,Walter SD,White AA.The clinician‘s ability to evaluate the strength of healing fractures for plain radiographs.J Orthop Traum 1989;3:29~32
21.Micheli S,Miotti B.Lengthening of mandibular body by gradual surgicalorthodontic distraction.J Oral Surg 1977;35:187
22.Diner PA,Kollar EM,Viguier E,Maurin N,Vasquez MP.Intraoral submerged bidriectional device for mandibular distraction.International Congress on Cranial and facial Bone Distraction Processes.Paris.France 1997:017
23.Guerrero C,Bell WH,Flores A,Modugno VL,Contasti G,Rodriguez AM,et al.Distraction osteogenica mandibular intraoral.Odontol Dia 1995;11:116~132
24.Razdolsky Y,Pensler JM,Dessner S.Skeletal distraction for mandibular lengthening with a completely intraoral toothborn distractor.In:McNamara JA Jr.Trotman CA.eds.Advances in craniofactial orthopedics.Volume 34.Craniofacial Growth Series.Ann Arbor:Center for Human Growth and Development.University of Michigan;1998;117:40
25.Schmelzeinsen R,Neumann G,von der Fecht R.Distraction osteogenesis in the mandible with a motordiven plate:a preliminary animal study.Br J Oral Maxillofac Surg,1996,34:375

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