摘 要:随着城市市政建设的发展,传统的路灯控制与维护手段己远远不能适应城市现代化发展的速度。城市市政建设日新月异,宽阔的街道,各种各样的路灯给城市带来了光明的同时也增添了城市的夜间魅力。但是由于道路,路灯众多,传统的人工管理模式已经和快速,现代化的城市建设不相适应。现代计算机集控技术的发展给城市市政管理带来了福音。城市路灯控制系统是现代计算机技术运用于城市市政建设中有效且必然的产物,实现了城市路灯系统的计算机集中控制、监测与管理。操控人员只需通过计算机即可了解整个系统路灯的工作状态,并可通过计算机人工或自动控制所有路灯的开关。即便是在全无人过问的情况下,系统也将严谨有序的工作。在各种管理自动化的大潮下,加上我国各个城市的大规模城建,路灯控制系统必然有着广阔的市场空间!据测算,一个城市的街道数量大于100条就很有必要由一套信息管理系统与之相配套来实现管理与系统维护,而中国一定规模的市级城市非常多,因此可以肯定的是国内需求会很旺盛!本文主要完成了以下工作:
3介绍了硬件部分系统子站的A/D I/O单元的设计思想;
Abstract :With the development of urban construction, the traditional means of street lighting and maintenance of control has been far behind the pace of urban modernization. City municipal building with each passing day, wide streets, a variety of street lamps to light the city at the same time adds the charm of the city at night. However, due to the road, street number, the traditional manual management mode has fast, modern city-building are incompatible. Centralized control of modern computer technology to the city brought the gospel of municipal management. City streetlight control systems of modern computer technology is applied to the city municipal building an effective and an inevitable product of a city street system of centralized control of the computer, monitoring and management. Control personnel via a computer can only understand the work of the entire system state street, and through the computer manual or automatic control of all street lighting switches. Even in the case of neglect, the system will also be strict and orderly work. In all the tide under the management of automation, together with the various cities of China''s large-scale urban construction, street lighting control system is bound to have a broad market space! It is estimated that the streets of a city larger than the number 100 on the very need for a set of information management system matched to achieve management and system maintenance, and the Chinese city of a certain size of city is very large, so it is certain that domestic demand will be very strong! more, because the system has been run successfully in Nanjing example, Therefore, a huge market space! However, as the original system was not too high technological content, and some functions do not have, especially not of the desired information management function, therefore the development of high-performance control system on the street put on the agenda .
In this paper, completed the following work:
1 on the city''s street lighting control system for the overall planning and design division;
2 introduced the sub-station hardware part of the system design of the main unit to monitor the process and implementation;
3 introduced a hardware sub-station part of the system A/D I /O cell design idea;
4 describes the main points of the system application and implementation of the framework.
第1章 绪论
照明工程迅猛发展,其路灯数量的增大,而且功耗和性能大不提高,因而对路灯定时器控制的要求比较精确。 目前,路灯开关灯控制方法多为“钟控”和“光控”。“钟控”不适应天气突变与季节变化等自然情况;“光控”容易受外部环境干扰,灵敏度低且可靠性较差,二者均不能实现控制开关灯的合理化、科学化。从而会出现:开灯早,关灯晚;或者开灯晚,关灯早的现象。前者会造成巨大的电能浪费,后者会损害城市形象、影响社会治安和交通安全,从而影响城市的投资环境。以上难点,将直接影响城市照明管理水平。而照明管理的高低又将直接影响到城市的市容、投资环境、交通安全和社会治安等,是构建良好的城市环境的重要组成部份,对城市的建设和发展有着重要的意义。总之,随着城市规模的不断扩大,现有的路灯管理的方式方作需要一个以计算机为核心的、自动化的管理手段来替代传统的钟控,光控和普通的路灯监控系统。使整个城市照明监测,决策和管理工作建立在计算机信息网络平台之上。