机械设计制造及其自动化论文,论文编号:JX1270 论文字数:17377.页数:45
摘 要
关键词:超声检测 脉冲 步进电机控制
The topic is the study ultrasound in detecting internal defects Plate on the application. Specific design of the mechanical equipment and control circuit system, Ultrasonic testing to achieve automation and manual control, the detection system can achieve the flexibility.
In this paper, based on the characteristics of Ultrasonic direction, and high-energy, the penetration capability and can interface on a refraction, reflection and ultrasonic wave conversion and the sound of the human body, so the use of ultrasound to detect defects within the plate. Then under the transmission method to determine the way the support of the probe. Ultrasonic testing equipment, including the mechanical structure of the two main testing platform, two rectangular screw, four rails and the probe clamping device. Mechanical design of the structure is mainly used to provide power stepper motor, drive two test platform driven probe devices X, Y two directions of sampling, testing with the trajectory. And the stepper motor rotation by external pulse control . as well as important parts of a hinge and Selection, so that the force structure is uniform and reasonable structure. According ultrasonic detection of movement, the control circuit design system using the manual and automatic way to control the computer issued pulse signal, After another drive step motor to control the direction of movement and turning, and using computers to analyze probe-back information to identify defects of. The system has detected positioning precision, simple operation and less time-consuming features.
Keywords:Ultrasonic Inspection;Pulse;Control of Step Motor
目 录
摘 要 i
Abstract ii
目 录 iii
第一章 绪论 1
1.1 超声波检测的发展简史及现状 1
1.2 本课题的研究意义和主要工作 2
第二章 超声波检测原理及技术 3
2.1 超声波的基础知识 3
2.2 超声波检测原理 3
2.2.1脉冲反射法 4
2.2.2 脉冲反射法的工作原理 4
2.2.3 脉冲反射法的优点 5
2.2.4 是脉冲透射法 5
2.2.5 脉冲反射法和透射法的比较 6
2.3 超声波检测设备 6
第三章 超声波检测设备的机械结构设计 7
3.1超声波检测的对象 7
3.2对机械设备的要求 7
3.3 超声波检测设备机械结构设计方案 7
3.4 超声波检测设备的运动原理图 8
3.5 超声波检测示意图 9
第四章 控制电动机与丝杆选择计算 11
4.1 电机的选择 11
4.1.1 伺服电动机 11
4.1.2 步进电动机 12
4.1.3 电动机控制方式的基本形式 16
4.2 检测运动轨迹 16
4.3 检测板材中间任意一点 17
4.3.1偏差判别 18
4.3.2 坐标进给 18
4.3.3 偏差计算 18
4.3.4 终点判别 19
4.4 步进电机与丝杆的选择计算 19
4.4.1 脉冲频率、电机频率的计算 19
4.4.2脉冲当量的选择 20
4.4.3等效负载转矩计算 20
4.4.4等效转动惯量计算 20
4.4.5初选步进电动机型号 21
4.5步进电动机的控制选择 22
4.6丝杆的校核 22
4.6.1 重量计算 22
4.6.2 丝杆摩擦转矩计算 23
4.6.3 丝杆最大轴向力Fmax 23
4.6.4 丝杆的强度计算 23
4.6.5 丝杆的耐磨性计算 24
第五章 超声检测的控制电路及设备 26
5.1总控制电路图 26
5.2 硬件输入部分 26
5.3 数据采集输入部分 27
5.3.1 PCIUT3100的技术参数 28
5.4 驱动器部分 29
5.5电机的选用 31
第六章 超声波检测设备的运动控制规划 32
6.1 返回参考点(回零点) 32
6.2 连续点动方式 32
6.3 增量点动方式 33
6.4 自动运行方式 34
6.5 中断处理 36
结 论 37
致 谢 38
参 考 文 献 39