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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 15/07/04


论文编号:JD847  论文字数:6440,页数:19   有开题报告

摘 要: 体温是生命活动的一种表现,是人体新陈代谢的一个重要生理参数,体温既有生理学的意义,又有重要的临床医学意义,是临床诊断的一个重要指标。因此,体温计在现在的生活中有极为重要的作用,传统的水银体温计易破碎,存在水银污染的可能,测量时间较长,不易读数,为此设计一种新型的电子体温计,它的测温精度与传统的水银温度计相媲美的情况下,大大的缩短了测温时间且携带方便,对环境几乎没有污染。它以AT89S52单片机为核心,结合温度传感器,LED模块等外部设备,在软件的控制下,实现智能化的体温测量,不但能够精确测温,而且能够对温度进行逻辑判断,并且通过LED显示器将测量结果显示出来。
关键词: 电子体温计; 智能温度传感器 ; 单片机

Digital demonstration type
electron clinical thermometer''s design
Abstract: Temperature is a manifestation of life. It is an important human physiological metabolic parameters, body temperature of both the significance of physiology, and important clinical significance, clinical diagnosis is an important indicator. Therefore, the thermometer in life now there is a very important role, the traditional mercury thermometer easily broken, there is the possibility of mercury pollution, a longer measurement time, it is not easy reading, for the design of a new type of electronic thermometer, and its temperature measurement accuracy with the traditional comparable to the mercury thermometer, the temperature greatly reduces the time and easy to carry, almost no pollution on the environment. AT89S52 its single-chip microcomputer as the core, combination of temperature sensor, LED modules and other external equipment, under the control of the software, the realization of intelligent temperature measurement, temperature measurement can not only accurate, but the logic can determine the temperature and the adoption of  LED displays the measurement results will be displayed.
Key word: Electronic clinical thermometer ;Intelligent temperature sensor;          Monolithic integrated circuit 


摘 要 I
Abstract I
1.引言 1
2. 设计方案 1
2.1 功能和设计要求 1
2.1.1 功能 1
2.1.2 设计要求 1
2.2 方案设计 1
3 硬件电路设计 2
3.1 各硬件部分原理 2
3.1.1 MAX6626智能温度传感器 2
3.1.2 MCS-51系列单片机 3
3.1.3 LED数码管 4
3.2 硬件电路部分设计 6
3.2.1   MAX6626智能温度传感器电路 6
3.2.2 主机电路 6
3.2.3 显示电路 7
3.2.4 复位电路 8
3.2.5 晶振电路 9
3.3 系统总电路功能 10
3.3.1数字显示式体温计实现功能: 10
3.3.2数字显示式体温计的电路参数: 10
4 软件设计 11
4.1 软件设计 11
4.1.1主程序 11
4.1.2显示程序 11
4.1.3 延时程序 13
4.1.4 按键程序 13
5. 毕业设计总结 13
参考文献: 13
谢 辞 14
附录: 15

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