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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 15/07/04


论文编号:JD848  论文字数:32163,页数:59

摘 要


With heating system development in the direction of personality, comfortable, environmentally and energy-saving, there is an increasing number of requests to the heating system’s performance. This system is designed to control the electric heating. The controller is selected PIC16F877 as the main controller and used the fuzzy control principle, realized the heating energy supply’s automatic control and energy-saving control. The intelligent temperature controller which designed for this system selects the integrated temperature sensor LM35D as the testing components, realizes the indoor temperature acquisition, conversion and processing, and then compares it with the given temperature. Control algorithms used fuzzy logic control algorithms which conduct fuzzying and fuzzy-back to the temperature deviation and its variety rate for the output, then this output will use the PWM to control the number of solid-state relay on-off in one period of the radiator’s AC circuit, then heat radiator, and realize the feedback and regulation to the indoor temperature. As the role of the automatic feedback adjustment, the system have controlled the actual heating power of the radiator, and have also achieved a highly efficient energy-saving control, while the temperature controller can also display the real-time temperature, set the temperature manually. So it brings much convenience to user. Key words: radiator; temperature; SIM PIC; fuzzy control; automatic control;
            energy-saving control

目  录
摘 要 I
Abstract II
第一章 概述 1
1.1 设计背景 1
1.2 设计简介 1
1.2.1散热器节能温度控制器的工作原理 1
1.2.2设计的主要内容及技术指标 2
1.2.3设计思想 2
1.2.4拟采用的技术方案 3
第二章 温度控制系统的设计与硬件电路 4
2.1 温度控制系统设计分析 4
2.2 单片机温度控制原理 4
2.3 方案选择 5
2.4硬件电路配置与分析 8
2.4.1 PIC16F877单片机 8
2.4.2 数据采集及转换电路 11
2.4.3 显示与按键输入电路 14
2.4.4负载驱动电路 17
2.4.5直流稳压电源 18
第三章 模糊控制器设计 22
3.1模糊控制原理 22
3.2模糊控制的组成 23
3.3模糊温度控制算法的实现 25
3.3.1查表法 26
3.3.2强度转移法 30
第四章 温度控制系统软件设计 33
4.1系统软件设计分析 33
4.1.1程序设计功能及作用 33
4.1.2.软件设计 33
4.2 A/D检测模块 34
4.2.1 A/D转换原理 34
4.2.2数字滤波 37
4.2.3定时器TMR0的工作原理 37
4.2.4定时器TMR1的工作原理 38
4.2.5定时器TMR2的工作原理 40
4.3按键与显示模块 41
4.3.1按键模块 41
4.3.2显示模块 42
4.4输出控制模块 42
4.4.1输出原理 42
4.4.2标度变换 43
4.5系统粗略节能计算 44
总 结 45
软件程序清单 46
参考文献 55
英文原文与翻译 56
英文原文 56
英文译文 73
致 谢 88
附录A元器件明细表 89
附录B 程序流程图 91

  • 上一篇资讯: 单片机打铃系统设计
  • 下一篇资讯: 电子体温计的设计
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