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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 15/06/02


论文编号:WHCY095 论文字数:10487,页数:14 附任务书,开题报告,外文翻译,文献综述

  ABSTRACT: Established in the Arabic desert, Al Jazeera shot to fame during the Afghan War broke out in 2001 and rose up to one of the most influential News Media in the Arab World, it’s also well-known as a national business card of Qatar. In an era when western media is wielding the discourse power, the Al Jazeera that represents the eastern media is blowing a tornado of a successful revolution in the journalism field all around the world. This revolution in journalism industry, illustrates itself in the depiction and interpretation upon international event hotlist by seizing back the discourse power which used to be monopolized media in developed nations, so to speak. Consequently, Al Jareeza won its reputation as “Arabic CNN”.
 CCTV in China have pretty much in common with Al Jazeera such as sponsors from government, 24-hour news channels, their roots in developing country as well as the common aspiration of becoming the forerunner in the establishment of the new order in the fields of journalism and communication worldwide, etc. Ezzat Shahrour, the chief of office of Al Jazeera in Beijing, stated that in the field of international communication, China and Arab world should have been fellow-sufferers even comrades in arms who are always facing the challenge of the defaming and slander from the main-stream western media. Therefore, it is essential for both Al Jazeera and colleagues in China to enhance the communication and develop constant mutual emulation. Thereby, study and research based on the successful experience of Al Jazeera would be instrumental for media in China to build up international brand of its own and promote the international competitiveness so as to strive for more discourse power in the field of international communication. This essay is supposed to analyze the essence of the achievement of Al Jazeera to find a rational outlet and a fast effective approach for the internationalization of media in China.
 Keywords: Al Jazeera, News Channel, Media

绪论 1
一、 半岛电视台的发展现状 1
(一)阿拉伯语国际频道 1
(二)英语国际频道 1
二、 半岛电视台成功的传播策略 2
(一)节目形态西方化 2
(二)新闻报道本地化 2
(三)受众定位平民化 3
(四)现场画面独家化 3
(五)新闻议程自我化 3
(六)报道立场客观化 4
三、 半岛电视台成功的经营策略 5
(一)独特的经营理念 5
(二)先进的媒体管理模式 5
(三)多元化的员工和国际化的新闻制作团队 5
(四)全球化的采、编、播策略 6
(五)创新经营模式,拓展品牌张力 6
四、 半岛电视台的成功对于中国媒体的启示 7
致 谢 10
参考文献 11

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