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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 15/06/02


论文编号:WHCY132 论文字数:9741,页数:10 附任务书,开题报告,外文翻译,文献综述


The Research of Advertising Model of Internet media of In the media integration
 ABSTRACT: With the development of economic and computer information network technology, the media integration becomes a trend. Internet media will be the forth media after the three media of newspaper, broadcast, television. At the present of the integration of traditional and new media, internet media has a large prospect. .This article mainly analyzes the shortcoming and the insufficiency of our country existing network advertisement pattern, and lies in the exploration to suit the network new media emphatically the advertisement pattern as well as proposed the practical and feasible solution. a better inquisition suits the Chinese network and new media development the advertisement pattern. On the other hand , this article unifies the international network the pattern of new media development, in order to seek a development the pattern fitting our country advertisement.
     Key word: Medium integration; Network media; Advertisement pattern; Interactive

前言 1
一、 媒介融合时期,网络新媒体的竞争优势分析 1
(一) 界定新媒体的概念 1
(二) 网络媒体作为新媒体,与传统媒体和其它新媒体相比有着比较优势 
二、 媒介融合时代,网络新媒体现存的广告模式及出现的问题分析 2
(一) 强制式的弹出广告 3
(二) 网络广告缺乏创意 3
(三) 虚假欺骗广告泛滥 3
三、 媒介融合时代,我国网络广告模式的发展趋势 4
(一) 游戏式网络广告 4
(二) 博客网络广告 4
(三) 网络视频广告 5
四、 从国际上看,我国网络广告模式的发展趋势 5
五、 结论 6
致谢 7
主要参考文献: 8

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