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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 15/06/02


论文编号:WHCY126 论文字数:23632,页数:23 附任务书,开题报告,外文翻译,文献综述


 ABSTRACT: Fotang, as an ancient business center and port, has a long history and profound cultural. Now the ancient town urgently needs rescue protection, and has great potential of tourism development. This article sorted the valuable historical and cultural resources of Fotang ancient town; described the town''s current situation of conservation and development, analysis the advantages and disadvantages that exist; compared the Fotang ancient town and Wu ancient town to find the valuable entry point; made a feasibility analysis of the ancient town''s conservation and tourism development programs in different point of views; consider the necessity and feasibility of the industrial protection and development to the ancient town; made a systematic investigation of the ways to protect ancient town, and used the theory of “point-line-plane-block” flexibility to plan a system for the development plan of the ancient town, specific analysis the characteristic of Fotang ancient town to make a difference, among them, the focus of the study are the development of the two lines, one of them is the line between the Fotang ancient town and the Yiwu international trade city, and the another is the line between the Fotang ancient town and the exhibition industry. This protection and development program is able to operational and supported by a strong theory.
 Key words: Fotang ancient town;conservation;tourism development;point-line

目  录
绪论 4
一、 佛堂古镇简介 4
(一) 区位及概况 4
(二) 历史沿革 4
二、 佛堂古镇独特的历史文化资源[2] 5
(一) 物质性历史文化资源 5
(二) 非物质性历史文化资源 7
(三) 与义乌“鸡毛换糖”商贸文化的历史渊源 8
三、 佛堂古镇保护开发现状及其问题 8
(一) 保护及开发现状 8
(二) 现行保护开发所存在的问题及建议 9
四、 佛堂古镇与江南其它古镇的异同点——以乌镇为例 10
五、 佛堂古镇系统开发的简略可行性分析 11
(一) 旅游资源及区位条件 11
(二) 客源市场分析 11
六、产业化的保护与开发的必要性与可行性分析 12
(一) 必要性分析 12
(二) 可行性分析 13
七、 佛堂古镇的保护 13
(一) 从政府的角度 13
(二) 从当地居民的角度 14
(三) 从开发商(商城集团)的角度 14
八、 佛堂古镇系统性的开发方案 14
(一) 方案的指导理论 14
(二) 具体进行重点开发的点 14
(三) 开发中的线和面 17
(四) 开发中的块 19
(五) 本开发方案的特点 20
九、 总结 20
致 谢 21
参考文献 22

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