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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 15/06/02


论文编号:WHCY013 论文字数:11797,页数:18 附任务书,开题报告,外文翻译,文献综述

A Study on the Toy Sales Model of Online Game Industry Chain in China  

ABSTRACT: With online games and toys continuous development of production technology, born out of the network game toys worldwide rise. Online Games toys in China has experienced several years of development, in volume terms, China''s online game development toy manufacturer did fame. The island, concealed under the surface and the refraction of the problem is severe and inevitable. Many problems, first and foremost the most important issue is the sales model.
 This game is the toy industry on the Internet to conduct research, describes its background and development, and analyzes its strengths and weaknesses, combined with domestic toy sales model online game development experience, of the toy industry''s status online games, network games the whole question of the toy industry for specific analysis, to predict future trends, and explore the health of healthy development.
Keywords: online games; toys; sales model;Development

绪论 1
(一)选题背景 1
(二)文献综述 3
(三)研究意义 3
一、中国网络游戏产业链中玩具销售的销售模式现状 4
(一)我国玩具行业的发展特点以及现状 4
1.我国玩具行业发展特点 4
2.我国玩具行业发展现状 5
(二)网络游戏的兴起 5
二、中国网络玩具产业与国外网络玩具产业比较的优势与劣势 6
(一)中国网络玩具产业的优势 6
1.价格优势 6
2.产业集群优势 6
(二)中国网络游戏玩具产业销售模式的劣势 7
1.出口的网络游戏玩具产品多为传统玩具 7
2.产品附加值低 7
3.自主开发的品牌匮乏 8
4.网络游戏质量堪忧 8
三、中国网络游戏产业链中玩具的销售模式——以海利集团为例 8
(一)海利集团的发展 8
(二)海利集团发展的分析 9
四、中国网络游戏玩具销售优化对策 9
(一)售前多元化经营 9
1.实体店销售 10
2.网上销售 10
(二)以客户为中心的个性化销售 10
(三)售后人性化服务 11
五、结论 11
致谢 12
参考文献 13

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