论文编号:WHCY133 论文字数:12739,页数:18 附任务书,开题报告,外文翻译,文献综述
Abstract: With rapid development of E-zine, many of the traditional newspaper groups and traditional magazines have launched an electronic version of their paper-based publications. Rapid growth and development of new media make many paper-based media, for example, the traditional magazine undergoes a strong impact. Meanwhile, with the emergence and development of new media, information access methods and receiving terminal will become more diverse, which will provide more opportunities to distribution and reception of traditional magazine content. The rapid development of digital technology makes traditional magazine industry has brought unprecedented challenges and opportunities for transformation. In this context, what form the traditional journal will be used to deal with shocks of E-zine, and how to use of new technologies to ensure their own long-term development for survival and promote? At the same time, a large variety of media show convergence trends, TV, newspapers and other traditional media segments and have again moved toward a purposeful integration. Through functional integration of a variety of media applications make them achieve better communication and marketing results, and integration among the various media, so that they achieve benefit. If Media Group want to grow strong, they must accept to media integration and participate in cross-media cooperation. Facing of competition from new media magazine, the traditional magazines also need to use a variety of media resources to conduct the cross-media integrated marketing. To integrate material from various media resource and to rich marketing means will be the best method of facing the impact from new media.
Key words: E-zine ; New media ; Media convergence ; Cross-media ; Integrated marketing
目 录
绪论 1
(一) 国内外研究背景 1
(二)本论文研究意义 1
一、 理论基础和对以往研究的回顾 1
(一) 媒介融合理论研究概述 1
媒介融合的含义 2
(二)市场营销理论研究概述 2
(三) 跨媒体营销研究概述 3
二、 传统杂志媒介融合环境分析和跨媒体营销可行性分析 3
(一) 传统杂志媒介融合环境STEP分析 3
(二) 传统杂志跨媒体营销的可行性分析 4
三、 传统杂志分析与跨媒体整合 5
(一) 传统杂志现状 5
(二) 电子杂志现状 7
(三) 传统杂志跨媒体整合资源 7
四、 传统杂志跨媒体整合营销策略 9
(一) 保障纸质媒体质量,开拓数字化市场 9
(二) 保持发行收入稳定、加强广告经营 9
(三) 探索合理的定价和收费方式和新的盈利模式 9
(四) 重新审视受众定位与产品定位,争取年轻受众 9
(五) 打造品牌知名度,挖掘品牌资源、开发衍生产品 10
(六) 加快集团化建设,优势互补、资源共享 10
(七) 加强人才队伍建设,完善人力资源管理制度 10
(八) 建立内容审核和版权保护长效机制 11
结论 11
致 谢 12
参考文献 13