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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 15/06/02


论文编号:WHCY029 论文字数:15092,页数:16 附任务书,开题报告,外文翻译,文献综述


 Abstract:October 30, 2009, Huayi Brothers Media Group successfully listed on GEM. Huayi Brothers should be China''s most specifications, the most promising, most influential, best embodies the modern international film organizations, operations of the temperament characteristics of the large private TV media group.   Huayi Brothers Film Investment Co., Ltd. under the Huayi Brothers Media Group, is currently China''s most famous private film companies. In 2004, 1.225 billion yuan Zeng Yi Huayi Brothers brand value among the "500 most valuable Chinese brand" list the first 359, 1.37 billion yuan in 2005 Youyi brand value ranked "the 500 most value of the brand "list of 361. Currently, Huayi Brothers has achieved the set of writers, directors, production to marketing, advertising investment, cinemas and other film industries of various issue to see as one of the more complete business chain. This laid a solid foundation for competition to become the most successful private television companies.   In addition, Huayi also has advertising, cultural brokers, but also a joint venture with the Western Film Group, "Western film company Huayi film distributor", is the strength of a strong private television company. The results highlight the company win the trust of foreign collaboration, Huayi Brothers Film Company to become the Shanghai Film Group, China Film Group, obtaining the trust of the private partner institutions outside the company, Huayi Brothers has thus been a corresponding share of the international film market . Throughout the Huayi Brothers Film Company 10 years of development, achievement is outstanding. At first, Huayi Brothers With enthusiasm and courage are not afraid of tigers, two when a smear Sharu film and television, is China''s film industry, especially the film industry''s bottom, many entrepreneurs discouraged investment in the film. After some private capital to come in, but also because of the current market, the policy is not enough to understand, have overturned, a refund is over. The Huayi Brothers has achieved remarkable results, which have drawn attention from industry and from members to make.   As the saying goes, a small victory by wisdom, victory by Germany. Huayi Brothers has lost before, but rarely. This is because they entered the field from the beginning, we strictly in accordance with commercial law, to comply with "rules of the game", keep professional ethics. Although every aspect of the industry was there a crisis of credibility, but the Huayi Brothers never owed a penny over others. Because of irregularities, the investment "Devils on the Doorstep" and related businesses have suffered a loss in varying degrees, take the risk, and Huayi Brothers has been in the film relevant to "ban" will be released right before the transfer of shots, bypassing rapids. This is their thorough understanding of national policies and regulations, making correctness.   The future, Huayi Brothers goal is to be standardized, international film companies. The so-called international, in addition to stronger investment purpose, strictly in accordance with budgets, the main is the company''s sales and opened up the world is. Such as "biggest names" and "Heaven and Earth," the issue, Huayi Brothers has begun a global split the settlement, meaning that if a co-production investment accounted for 20% of Huayi Brothers, rather than the previous operation of certain films, only occupy an area of the profits. Huayi Brothers will not be confined to film and television production industry, to further improve the mechanism to enhance film production links, artist management agency to carry out film and television, while video will actively explore the special property investment business, and with excellent domestic counterparts to engage in extensive cooperation, and strive to Chinese private enterprises to make a place in the international arena.
 Key words: Huayi Brothers; listed; product placement; industrial operation; China''s Private Television

绪论 1
一、华谊上市现象分析 1
(一)华谊兄弟上市概况 1
(二)北京华谊兄弟上市带来的效应 1
二、 北京华谊兄弟产业概况和盈利模式分析 2
(一) 北京华谊兄弟产业概况 2
(二) 华谊兄弟盈利模式分析 2
1. 植入式广告模式 2
2. 工业化运作体系 3
三、 中国民营影视的现状 4
四、华谊上市带来的影响 4
(一) 对影视产业的影响 4
(二) 对影视制作的影响 5
1. 注重品牌效应 5
2. 注重运用现代化管理手段 6
3.注重规模效应 6
4.注重电视剧营销 7
五、华谊兄弟上市后需要面对的风险与挑战 7
(一)电影业务对冯小刚依赖大 终端控制弱 7
(二)电视剧如何保证能卖掉 8
1.电视剧市场特性带来的风险 9
2.销售对象单一 产业价值链不完善 9
3.应收账款余额较大的风险 10
(三) 预防明星先卖股票再跳槽 10
致谢 11
参考资料 12

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