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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 15/06/02


论文编号:WHCY087 论文字数:17657,页数:22 附任务书,开题报告,外文翻译,文献综述

 摘要: 2000年以来,中国电影市场不断扩大,影片票房不断攀高,外国大片的刺激只是很小的因素。国产合拍片的不断深入,淡化了内地,香港,台湾电影的地域概念。大制作,大明星,大投入的大片时代让电影营销成为电影发展首先要研究的内容。
 ABSTRACT : Since 2000, the Chinese film market is continually expanding and the box office-the money is constantly rising, at the same time the foreign large stimulus is only a small factor. With the domestic co-productions of in-depth, the parochialism among Mainland movies、Taiwan movies, Hong kong films is diluted. Now that big productions, big stars and the large investments put into the film marketing make the film''s development become the first contents to study. As the Chinese film is industrial management, the new year film should be given primary importance among priorities. We all know that Feng Xiao gang is the new year film''s antecessor and “Feng ''s New Year Movie” testified to the new year film''s developing. Every year ''s gross have made a breakthrough. It marks the new year film developing and marketing expanding. Not only the production of the new year film to achieve the international integration, but also its marketing ways are developing towards the latest ways, Its marketing shows the pattern of integrated marketing.
 Papers in the introduction is carding the reason of the development of the new year film, and the film marketing''s new trend. The second part of the paper explore ways of the integrated marketing of new year film. In order to the integrated marketing point of view, market research is the foundation of policy enforcement, indicate the main direction of the investigation and Integrated Marketing steps. Part three, through study the marketing case on Bodyguards and Assassins, unscramble its marketing actions、gross 、public praise and then demonstrate the marketing model of the current Chinese Commercial Blockbuster. Part four, by the above analysis, put forward the proposals about the problems and the development of the new year film. Finally, this article summing up the views on the full text, then outlook the future development trends of the new year film in simply.
 Key words: Chinese Film; The New Year Film; Film Marketing; Integrated Marketing
 目  录
 前 言 1
 第一节 贺岁片的缘起 1
 第二节 电影整合营销新趋势 1
 第一章 国产贺岁片整合营销策略 2
 第一节 整合营销的策略基础——市场调研 2
 第二节 整合营销策略实施 2
 一、产品策略 2
 二、定价策略 3
 三、推广策略 3
 四、渠道策略 4
 第二章 国产商业贺岁片的整合营销成功典范——以2010年贺岁片《十月围城》为例 5
 第一节 贺岁片《十月围城》简介 5
 第二节 《十月围城》的整合营销策略 5
 一、夺人眼球的贺岁大片 5
 二、“围城”之后的“围城”——衍生品的开发与推广 6
 三、声势浩大的宣传推广策略 6
 四、渠道覆盖 8
 第三节 贺岁片《十月围城》突破“围城” 9
 一、骄人的票房成绩 9
 二、良好的口碑 9
 第三章 国产贺岁片整合营销存在的问题及其应对策略 10
 第一节 国产贺岁片整合营销面临的问题 10
 一、贺岁片整合营销中缺失的市场调研 10
 二、票价问题成为贺岁片整合营销的瓶颈 10
 三、贺岁片整合营销渠道的制约 11
 四、盗版猖獗影响贺岁片的整体收入 11
 第二节 国产贺岁片整合营销应对策略 12
 一、开展广泛的市场调研,夯实国产贺岁片实施整合营销的策略基础 12
 二、科学定价推动贺岁片整合营销深入实施 12
 三、畅通的发行渠道推进贺岁片整合营销 13
 四、多方面资源的整合,全面打击贺岁片盗版 13
 五、“火车头”领跑贺岁片收入 14
 第四章 结论与展望 15
 致 谢 16
参考文献 17

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