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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 15/06/02


论文编号:WHCY084 论文字数:10714,页数:15 附任务书,开题报告,外文翻译,文献综述

 摘要:在世界经济全球化、信息化、市场化的大背景下, 产业的发展也呈现了新的特征, 产业的集聚成为当今产业发展的趋势之一。创意产业园区的培育和建设是中国文化创意产业发展的希望所在,而文化创意产业园区,作为促进文化创意产业发展最为有效的途径之一,已经被视为衡量创意产业发展水平的重要标准之一。杭州作为浙江省发展龙头城市,发展文化创意产业也已经成为其今后的奋斗目标。本文通过对国内外先进园区的经验借鉴和杭州典型创意园区的深度分析与研究, 分析了杭州创意产业园区发展状况和存在的问题, 同时对杭州特色创意产业园区的发展提出一些具有针对性的策略。从而提升创意园区的创意质量和构建进程,使杭州真正从“ 制造” 向“ 创造” 转变, 从而提升杭州文化创意产业的竞争力和影响力。

 ABSTRACT: In the world of economic globalization, information technology, market-oriented backdrop, the industry also presents development of new features, industry cluster as one of the trends of today''s industry. Nurturing creativity and building industrial park is the development of cultural and creative industries hope for, but cultural and creative industry park, as the promotion of cultural and creative industries is one of the most effective way, has been the development of creative industries as a measure of the level of one of the important criteria . Development as the leading city of Hangzhou in Zhejiang Province, the development of cultural and creative industries have also become its future goals. Based on the advanced experience of the park and learn the depth of typical Hangzhou Creative Industry Analysis and Research, analyzed the development of creative industry parks in Hangzhou and problems, while industrial park in Hangzhou characteristics, the development of innovative targeted strategy for some . So as to enhance the quality of creative ideas and build the park process, so Hangzhou truly "manufacturing" to "create" change, so as to enhance competition in Hangzhou, cultural and creative industries and influence.
KEY WORD: Creative industries; Cultural and creative area; Positioning; Feature

目  录
1前言 3
2杭州文化创意园区发展总体概况 4
3杭州文化创意园区的发展特色 5
3.1杭州文化创意园区发展的有利条件 5
3.2杭州知名文化创意园区的发展特色 5
4杭州文化创意园区发展中的问题 6
4.1园区定位不清,管理能力不足 6
4.2商业比例过高,喧宾夺主 6
4.3中小企业生存难,客群不稳定 7
4.4创意人才的缺乏 7
4.5产业集聚度有待加强,规模有待提高 7
5杭州文化创意园区发展的对策 8
5.1杭州文化创意园区发展对策的方向 8
5.2杭州文化创意园区发展的具体对策 8
5.2.1正确选择园区产业导向 8
5.2.2商业配比需适宜园区发展需求 9
5.2.3园区建设充分发挥孵化器作用 9
5.2.4依托高校人才特色,加快创意人才队伍建设 9
5.2.5以产业链需求为导向,加强园区建设, 促进创意产业集聚发展 9
5.2.6发挥政府在政策和资金上的引导和扶持作用 10
6结语 10
7致 谢 12
8参考文献 13

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