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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 15/06/02


论文编号:WHCY075 论文字数:16383,页数:23 附任务书,开题报告,外文翻译,文献综述


The Srategic Analysis of the Development of Local Culture in ShangHai’s Creative Concentrated Areas
Abstract: In the ninth congress of party representatives the report says that Shanghai is planed to become a metropolis with centralization of various kinds of cultural notions, prosperity of cultural activities, advancement of cultural industries and abundance of cultural innovation. A series of policies have been made for development of the innovative industry and the idea of the innovative city has been brought up, which witnessed the great attention of the municipal government paid on the goal of realizing the fusion of Eastern cultures and Western cultures and increasing the capacity in soft power. The construction of cultural innovative industries convergent areas is important to the innovative industries that are the premise of achieving that goal.
However, there is a great gap between the actual situation of the Shanghai cultural industries and the municipal policies related to the plan of metropolis. For example, in cultural industries there are few strong cultural brands that have strong competitiveness in the international market. To address such a problem, the local cultural innovative products and services should be attached great attention, which characterize each metropolis in the world.
In a horizontal and vertical contrast and comparison from studies home and broad, this paper is aimed to offer the developmental strategy of the cultural localization by classifying the cultural innovative industries convergent areas in Shanghai according to the application of the related theory and analyzing the case that is adaptable to the reform of cultural localization.
 Key Words: Shanghai; cultural innovative industries convergent areas, local developmental strategy, urban soft power

目 录
1 选题的背景及意义 1
 1.1.1 经济背景及意义..1
 1.1.2 政策背景及意义..1
1.2 国内外研究现状2
 1.3   结论. .3
2   相关概念的界定..4
2.1 文化产业与创意产业的区别及联系.4
2.2 创意集聚区与创意园区的区别及联系4
 2.2.1 创意集聚区.5
 2.2.2 “集聚区”与“园区”的关系..5
 2.2.3  创意产业集聚区的由来5
 2.2.4  上海创意产业集聚区的类别.5
       2.3 创意场域6
3 针对田子坊创意集聚区的个案研究 6
3.1 田子坊的总体概况..6
3.2 该个案研究的典型意义7
         3.2.1 发展规模处于国内领先地位7
         3.2.2 区位条件典型性..7
         3.2.3 空间布局典型性..7
         3.2.4 两周需求的融合..9
         3.2.5 功能定位的典型性与功能的发展扩大..9
       3.3 内部组织结构发展现状9
       3.4 田子坊创意度分析10
         3.4.1 调研基本思路.10
         3.4.2 “创意度”得出法..10
         3.4.3 创意度得出结论11
       3.5 田子坊的消费状况11
         3.5.1 消费类别11
         3.5.2 商品价格11
         3.5.3 消费人群12
       3.6 个案研究结论..12
       3.7 田子坊改造建议及意见.12
4 上海创意集聚区发展存在问题及解决方案 13
 4.1 上海创意集聚区发展中存在的问题..13
 4.2 具体问题的解决办法..13
 4.3 通过上海本土文化的进一步扩展实现本土化发展战略14
 4.3.1 具体成功案例.14
 4.3.2 将上海定义为本土文化交流平台..14
 4.3.3 上海的优势..15
5 基于个案研究和相关阅读的启示 15
致 谢 17
参考文献 18

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