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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 15/06/02


论文编号:WHCY053 论文字数:21487,页数:21 附任务书,开题报告,外文翻译,文献综述

  ABSTRACT: Advertisement is, I believe, a word which everyone knows. It already infiltrated all aspects of our lives and we are familiar with it in our daily life. Everyone, as long as you live in the crowd, live in the modern society, advertise is what you must access to and trying to change our living environment and lifestyle. Everyone can not be denied that we live in an era of advertising. With the continuous development of commercial advertising, competition has become even more fiercely, and commercial advertising needs to build a new road. Community phenomenon of commercial advertisement began to emerge slowly in recent years., so that the "cold" commercial advertising is full of humane care, full of "human touch", but also caught the attention of a number of experts and scholars. The background of this phenomenon, causes, forms, etc. are all very deserved of our research and study, and it is what the traditional commercial advertising can learn. Although there are a wide variety of issues (such as how to deal with the commercial and public relations in the commercial advertising in the course of development, each new development and changes of things will be a process, and the problems can be found to solve. Perhaps the community in the commercial advertisement will be a new trend, community phenomenon of commercial advertisement will be a glorious page in the history of advertising.
 Key words: commercial advertisement ; community ;community phenomenon; humane care

目  录
绪 论 3
一、 商业广告的公益化现象的概念界定 3
(一) 商业广告的概念 3
(二) 什么是商业广告的公益化现象 4
二、 商业广告的公益化现象出现的原因 6
(一) 社会——营造良好的氛围 6
(二) 企业——抓住有利的时机 6
1. 企业处在不同的发展阶段,所运用的广告策略是不同的 6
2. 增强广告效果的必然选择 8
3. 企业社会责任感的增强 9
4. 企业寻求广告成本的降低 10
(三) 受众——呼唤人性的广告 11
三、 公益化在商业广告中的具体表现 12
(一) 企业产品与社会公益相结合,是企业与社会公益事业之间的互动 12
(二)企业与纯粹的公益活动相结合 13
(三)企业、社会公益事业、消费者三者之间的互动 14
四、 商业广告的公益化现象存在的问题及应对措施 15
(一) 存在的问题 15
1. 利用“公益”作为炒作宣传的工具 15
2. 企业无法将公益活动进行到底,会半途而废 15
3. 虚假广告 15
4. 内容过于煽情,缺乏真情实感 16
(二) 解决之道 16
1. 政府出台相关政策,鼓励企业积极投身参与到社会公益事业中来 16
2. 企业要坚持“诚意多一点、创意多一点、坚持多一点” 16
3. 广告人综合素质的提高 18
4. 受众积极发挥社会舆论、监督作用 18
五、 结语 18
致 谢 19
参考文献 20

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