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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 15/06/02


论文编号:WHCY010 论文字数:9587,页数:12 附任务书,开题报告,外文翻译,文献综述

 ABSTRACT: False advertisements prevalent in today’s society, which not only do harm to consumers’ legal rights, but also to the market management orders and the legal rights of other operators. Therefore, there is no time to delay to regulate the false advertisements, especially at such a moment that calls for honesty and credit. At present, the law of the false advertisement spokesman responsibility system has some flaws, causing some misbehavior of the as well as a serious of drawbacks. The author thinks that it’s necessary for our country to establish the system of the false advertisement spokesman responsibility. This article elaborates on the above-mentioned problems in three parts. The first part lays analysis on the hazardous effects of false ads and the reasons of their deluge. The author believes that compared with some ordinary false ads, the false ads that represented by celebrities have more negative effects on society. Every star has his own supporters. These funs are likely to be the potential consumers of such false ads. At the same time, consumers will unconsciously associate the artistic image of their favorite stars with the commercial credit of certain products, which will easily leads consumers to trust the products more. In the second part, the author gives his own opinion on whether the celebrities should undertake the responsibility of false ads. The practice of celebrities spokesmen actually is a sort of testimonial to the products b the celebrity himself, while the instructions of products are a kind of guarantee for the goods. Since such instructions can attract the customers and affect the conditions of dealing, they are regarded as an express warranty with contract binding force. If the products don’t agree with the instructions or samples, the sellers should take up the liability for breach of contract, which varies from repairing, changing, refunding and returning. As a result, spokesmen should also be included in the liability subject range of product liability for tort, for he is involved in the express warranty for the product too. The third part, as for the Construction of Accountability Mechanisms of China’s Advertising Spokesman, the author gives some suggestions.
 Keys words: False advertisements; Responsibility system; Advertisement; Star


绪   论 1
一、明星代言虚假广告的概括分析 1
(一) 引言 1
(二) 明星代言虚假广告泛滥的成因 1
1.商业利益的本能驱使 1
2.《广告法》等相关法律的漏洞 1
3.大众媒体的缺乏自律 1
4.国家行政监管的不力 2
(三) 责任制度缺失带来的弊端 2
1.不利于维护社会公平 2
2.降低了其社会责任感 2
3.影响广告行业的健康发展 3
二、明星广告代言人承担责任分析 3
(一) 政府部门应该承担主要的社会责任 3
(二) 明星承担的责任 3
1.法律责任 3
2.社会责任 4
三、我国广告代言人制度的构建 4
(一)公众人物代言广告的基本原则 4
1.先行审查原则 4
2.坚持亲自使用原则 4
(二) 我国广告代言人责任体制的构建 4
1.完善法治 4
2.加强新闻媒体行业组织的建设 5
3.加强广告行业的自律监管 6
4.提高消费者的维权和自我保护意识 6
致 谢 7
参考文献 8

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