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tourism destination competitiveness of the ancient town Anren

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tourism destination competitiveness of the ancient town Anren(一)
tourism destination competitiveness of the ancient town Anren
1. Introduction
Since the beginning of the reform and opening policy, China has become one of the most important tourism destinations in the whole world because of a lot of reasons. In this paper, with the basic theories about tourism destination competitiveness, we generally focus on the situation of China’s cultural tourism and destinations, Anren Ancient town is the example which is analyzed. First, the relevant basic theories about tourism, cultural tourism and tourism destination competitiveness are given. Then, according to the theories and the situation Anren ancient town are in, we focus on the tourism destination competitiveness and its future development in order to give a more comprehensive thinking about this problem.
2. The basic theories tourism destination competitiveness
Tourism is a kind of industry which depends relying on a series of tourism resources and tourist facilities as premise to provide tourists with travel services. It is an overall economic undertaking, involving many sectors of society. (Asch & Wolfe, 2001) Its foundational economic activities are conducted by the travel agency, hotels, restaurants and communication sector. In addition, the retail companies offering tourism goods and the public utilities related to garden facilities and cultural entertainment also make corresponding contribution.  Tourism resource, tourism facility and tourism service are the three major elements critical for the existence and development of tourist industry. (Breakey, 2005).
A tourist destination (e.g. city, region or site) is a comprehensive thing which are no long regarded as a set of distinct natural, cultural, artistic or environmental resources, but as an overall appealing product available in a certain area: a complex and integrated portfolio of services offered by a destination that supplies a holiday experience which meets the needs of the tourist. A tourist destination thus produces a compound package of tourist services based on its indigenous supply potential. This may also create fierce comp

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tourism destination competitiveness of the ancient town Anren(一)......




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