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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 发布时间: 09/12/19
or information and linguistic inference will be strengthened and their listening competence will improve remarkably.George Yule divided presuppositional triggers into factive presupposition,non-factive presupposition,counter-factive presupposition,existential presupposition,lexical presupposition and structural presupposition.Presuppositional triggers are helpful for us to understand the true intention of the speaker or writer.In college English reading teaching,if teachers introduce the discourse organizing function of pragmatic presupposition and the relevant presupposition triggers,and teach students to use these triggers to communicate with the writer,the comprehension competence of students will be greatly enhanced.The essential function of presupposition is to build a framework for the further development of discourse.In college English writing teaching,teachers can use the theory on pragmatic presupposition to construct a handy training program for textual organization,increase the textual coherence, economy and structural perfection of the English writings by students.In college English translation teaching,teachers should focus on developing the pragmatic presuppositional thinking of students,enable them to grasp the presupposed information in source text / speech exactly,understand the original thoroughly,correctly reorganize and reproduce the pragmatic presuppositions in the target language,carry out the functional equivalence in translation and successfully realize the smooth and accurate communication.With the instruction of pragmatic presupposition in college English teaching,the complete understanding and integral acquisition of English and Chinese of students will come true.In conclusion,to implement the Curriculum Requirements for College English Teaching promulgated by the Ministry of Education of China,we should emphasize the instruction of the theory on pragmatic presupposition in college English teaching,carry it through from beginning to end.It's one of the important means to realize the college English teaching reform, improve the effects of college English teaching,strengthenr the practical and integrative language abilities of students,in order to cultivate the compound talents to adapt to the global integration and meet the requirements of the reform and opening in China.

  【中文关键词】 语用预设; 英语教学; 预设触发语

  【英文关键词】 pragmatic presupposition; college English teaching; presuppositional triggers


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