关键词: 终端促销,品牌建设
Abstract :As a tool for pushing sales and improving reputation of the brand, terminal promotion activities can shorter the time for products to enter the market. It does not only mean discount or reduces the price; actually it is a communication tool.
A scientific, high efficient case of system promotion is a part of the whole strategy of branding. Companies can give plenty of brand information straight to consumers by system promotion. Therefore, a good project can improve the reputation of the brand, and then the successful brand can attract and influent more potential consumers. At last, companies can create a huge market, so that the continue development of the market will improve the future development of the company.
It’s successful because of Xiao He; it’s failed because of Xiao He as well. Companies should not spend too much money on terminal promotion activities. In fact, terminal promotion activities just like a two-edged sword, if you are not careful, it could damage your company such as decreasing profit; weakening company’s power and affecting other valuable brands, etc. For avoiding these situations, what the company should do is thinking about how to solve these problems, trying to minimize the loss of the brand.
Promotion activities will have better adaptability if these activities are based on consumers’ requirement and stand at consumers’ position to plan a creative and humanistic project. A successful activity can not only make terminal promotion activities efficient the most, but can weaken the negative influence from this activity. This kind of terminal promotion activities will be a trend because it can be accepted by those nit-pick consumers. Furthermore, it is easier to increases the consumer brand loyalty, so that strengthening the brand superiority.
绪论 促销对品牌建设的意义
促销,对于处在市场经济环境下的任何一个人来说,都不会是一个陌生的名词。通常我们口中所说的促销,其实是狭义的促销概念,即企业运用各种短期性的利益诱导,刺激鼓励购买或销售企业产品或服务的一种促销方式,也就是销售促进(Sales Promotion),简称SP。而广义的促销,是企业整体营销活动的一个关键环节,不仅包括销售促进,广告宣传、人员推销、公关宣传也是它的主要方式。