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来源:Http://myeducs.cn 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: admin 发布时间: 13/09/05

资料包括: 论文(22页5526字) 

摘 要 :尽管科学技术正在进步,但是迷信思想始终存在于人们的生活当中。中国鬼节和西方万圣节是每年都会庆祝的两大宗教节日。它们体现了人们对身死亡后的鬼魂态度,同时也蕴涵了禁锢人们思想活动的教条。因而形成了不同的宗教信仰。本论文主要介绍了这两个节日的起源和庆祝方式,归纳了在中西方国家里存在的各种迷信思想,还分析了迷信思想给人们带来的影响和佛教、道教、基督教这三种宗教对死亡和灵魂的观点及信仰。作者认为人们应该破除迷信、解放思想。




Superstitious thoughts are always in people’s life in spite of scientific and technological advancement. Hungry Ghost Festival in China and Halloween in the western countries are two religious festivals which are observed every year. They reveal people’s idea about the ghosts and spirits after death. They also include doctrines which imprison people’s minds and thoughts. Therefore, people show different religious briefs. This thesis mainly talks about the origin and celebrations of the two festivals, and sums up the kinds of superstitions in China and some western countries, and analyze the influence of superstitions, three religious ideas about death and spirits from Buddhism, Taoism, Christian. The author thinks that people should promote scientific views and remove superstitions.

Key Words

Halloween; Hungry Ghost Festival; superstitions; religions

Abstract I
Key Words I
摘 要 Ⅱ
关键词 Ⅱ
Introduction 1
I. Halloween and Hungry Ghost Festival 2
A The Origin and Present Celebration of Halloween. 2
B. The Origin and Present Celebration of Hungry Ghost Festival 3
II. Superstitious Thoughts of People.5
A. Some Common Superstitions around the World 5
B. Superstition in Western Countries 6
C. Superstition in China 7
1. “Feng Shui” 7
2. “Ren Qi” 8
3. Temples 8
4. Other Superstitions 9
D. Influence of Superstition 9
III. Religious Ideas 11
A. The Views of Christianity about Death and Spirits 11
B. The Views of Buddhism and Taoism about Ghost and God 12
IV. Promoting Scientific Views and Removing Superstitions 13
Conclusion 15
Acknowledgements 16
Bibliography .17


In China and some western countries, superstitious thoughts affect people’s life all the time. Since China opened its gate to the outside world, many westerners have come to China. They brought with them their own cultures and customs. Halloween, which falls on Nov.1, has already been a familiar holiday to Chinese people. Many Chinese people also start to celebrate Halloween. The Chinese traditional festival — Hungry Ghost Festival happens on the 15th of July in the lunar calendar. It has been one of most important religion holidays in Chinese culture since the sixth century AD. The two festivals reveal people’s superstitious thoughts in China and some western countries.
At present, some Chinese people are researching into the two festivals. Some people don’t think that the festivals should be celebrated, because the festivals brought about negative influences on people’s life and society. But other people support such festivals, because the two festivals are religious holidays, and people’s religious beliefs should be respected . So far, studies and discussions of the two festivals are still in march.

Freud, Sigmund. Interpretation of Dreams. Wordsworth Edition Ltd, 1997.
Hu Kai-min. TAOISM. Beijing: Foreign Language Press,2002.
Li Zheng-shuan. Thesis Design and Writing Guide for English Majors. Beijing: Peking University Press, 2006.
Stevenson Ian, M.D. Twenty Cases Suggestive of Reincarnation. American Society for Psychical Research, 1966.
Waley ,Arthur (Translator). Lao-Tzu Tao Te Ching. Wordsworth Edition Ltd, 1997.
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傅佩荣.哲学与人生 [M].北京:中国人民大学出版社,2006.
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郭或.风水史话 [M].北京:华夏出版社,2006.
公木、邵汉明.道家哲学 [M].长春:长春出版社,2007.
(美)克莱门.欢乐体验洋节日 [M]. 上海:华东师范大学出版社,2003.
麦克斯•缨勒.宗教的起源与发展 [M].上海:上海人民出版社,1989.
田真.世界三大宗教与中国文化 [M].北京:宗教文化出版社,2002.
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从两个节日看中西方的迷信思想 -
Halloween and Hungry Ghost Festival are linked with ghosts. Halloween is related to many evils and spirits, and Hungry Ghost Festival to many ghosts and gods. They originate in different religions, and spread different superstitious thoughts in some western countries and China. Through the two festivals, we can see superstitions vary immensely throughout the world, and their propagation depends on local folklore, legends, and circumstances.
These superstitious thoughts always affect people’s life. At the same time, the superstitious senses even offense against social order and the fundamental benefits of the state. Some people blindly seek after the superstitions so that they die for them. Some people scatter superstitious thoughts at all places, and seduce other people believing the superstitions. In addition, the superstitions are very dangerous to them. At present, the superstitions have had influence on them, and caused serious problems in the society.
Hence, obviously it is very important to promote scientific views and remove superstitious thoughts. It is not only a problem of an individual, but also a problem of the whole human society. Western countries and China all should resolve the problem, so the world will be more cordial and harmonious.
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