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摘 要:作为教育教学活动的组织者和促进者,教师的一言一行对学生,尤其是中小学生的影响较大。因为中小学生都还是未成年人,他们的心理容易受到感染。教师言行不当,轻则影响学生的学习,重则造成心理障碍,甚至误入歧途。在当今竞争激烈的社会里,焦虑是中小学生普遍存在的心理问题。教师行为得当,自然有助于调动学生积极情感,促进学习;反之,则有可能引发学生焦虑。这两者有着非常密切的关系。本文通过分析研究学生焦虑与教师教育言行的关系,提出较为适当的教学英语的方法以促进学生学习,减少焦虑。学习既是一种行为参与,也是一中情感心理体验。因此,积极的情感态度加上生活化的英语教学不失为促进学生学习,减少焦虑的好办法。积极的情感态度是好的教学的前提;生活化的英语教学模式把课堂教学活动置于学生熟悉的生活情景中,在无形中淡化了学生的学习意识,强化了学生的主体意识和生活意识,对提高学生的英语素质有着深远的意义。


As the organizer and promoter of teaching activity, every word and deed of the teachers have a great effect on students, especially on the middle school students, because they are all under-aged, and they are susceptible. Some inappropriate behaviors influence the students’ learning and make them mentally ill, even lead to their astray. Nowadays, anxiety is a prevailing psychological problem of students. The good behaviors will do a great help to students’ learning; on the contrary, it is likely to cause students’ anxiety. The thesis aims to relieve anxiety to promote English by studying the relationship between students’ anxiety and teachers’ behaviors. Learning is not only an activity but also an experience of mental emotions. So the positive emotion is the key of good teaching. And the socialized teaching puts teaching activities into the life scene which students have acquainted with. It emphasizes students’ sense as the principal part besides sense of living; meanwhile, it has weakened the duty to study imperceptibly which will lighten the stress. It will make a deep effect on improving the students’ English quality.

Key Words

Anxiety;teachers’ behavior; socialized teaching;positive emotion

Nowadays, anxiety is a prevailing psychological problem of students. And the most universal is the anxiety for examinations. At present, a survey, which came from 2714 students of six middle schools of Tianjin, shows that the higher grade students in, the more anxious they are, especially the students in grade 3 in both junior and senior high schools; two fifths of them can keep calm confronting the pressure of exam; 40% are of a little anxiety; 20% are often under excessive anxiety (Chen Shandong, 2006). Moreover, the adolescent’s anxiety has tended to be lower-aged. It manifested that anxiety for examination is a common psychological problem of students. The students’ psychological problem is nothing but the reflection of the educational problems. There are lots of reasons: pupils’ ability to manipulate distress is weak; parents haven’t given good family educations; the teaching methods of teachers are not so suitable, etc. Thus it cannot be coordinated only by teachers. However, our teachers can do something in their field because of their great importance to students which cannot be replaced by others. In fact, they are able to make a great contribution.

Key WordsI
Ⅰ. Students’ Anxiety and Teachers’ Behavior2
A. The Concept of Anxiety2
B. Forms of Students’ Anxiety2
C. The Concept of Teachers’ Behavior3
D. Forms of Teachers’ Behavior3
E. The Relationship between Students’ Anxieties and Teachers’ Behaviors4
Ⅱ.The Ways to Deal with the Relationship6
A. Positive Emotion6
1. The Importance of the Positive Emotion6
2. Three Ways to Control Emotion Effectively7
B. Great Charm to Make Teaching Socialized7
1. Organizing Diversified Classroom Teaching Based on Life8
2. Regarding Homework as a Bridge to Fulfilling Socialized Extension10
3. Regarding Practice as a Guidance to Review English in Real Life11
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As stated above, teachers, as the organizers and promoters of teaching activities, are the nucleus and leading part of education, because every change on education is finally carried out by teachers. Just because of the great importance, teachers should pay attention to their behaviors severely. Inappropriate teaching behaviors cause students’ anxiety. There is a close relationship between them. Consequently, teachers are also the most important people to help students overcome the anxiety. And their main effective methods are the positive emotion, both teachers’ and students’, and the socialized teaching. The positive emotion is the key of good teaching; and the socialized teaching does a good job on developing the function of the teacher as a tutor and arousing motivation and interest of students. Depending on the teaching material, teachers try to find the binding site and starting point. It not only helps students to apply what they have learnt in a real way but also helps them to realize the function and meaning of the knowledge. Meanwhile, it weakens the duty to study imperceptibly. Then it finally can release students’ anxiety effectively. This is virtually quality-oriented education.
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