资料包括: 论文(18页4267字)
说明:摘 要:个体语言深入人们的日常生活,同时日常生活又为个体语言提供了生存环境,也就是语言环境或语境。个体语言不但受语境的影响,反之它也影响着语境,二者的关系是相互影响,相互制约的。但是在日常生活中,人们往往会把个体语言视为理所当然的存在而忽视了对它的认识。本课题对语言和语境关系的研究有利于促进人们日常生活中的交际活动顺利完成,从而实现社会交际的目的。
关键词:个体语言; 语境; 交际活动; 语言的功能;语境的性质
The individual spoken language or individual speech thoroughly affects people''s daily life which simultaneously provides the survival environment for the individual speech, and the survival environment is called context. Individual speech is not only influenced by linguistic context but also affects the context. Their relationship is mutually affecting and restricted. But in daily life, the people could often regard the individual speech which is always neglected as the natural existence. This research about the relationship between individual speech and context can smoothly promote people’s communication in order to achieve the goal of society exchanges.
Key Words
Individual speech; context; communication; speech functions; context characteristics
The speech is a tool for human being to share experience, communicate thought and pass on knowledge from generation to generation. As early as in the 1920s, a school of Anthropological Study of Linguistics came into being in English. For instance, when Malinowski, an anthropologist, did his field work on the Trobriand Islands off eastern New Guinea, he observed that in this primitive culture the meaning of a word greatly depended upon its occurrence in a given context, or rather, upon a real language situation in life. Take the word wood for example. In this culture, the word might be used either to refer to the solid substance of a tree as its English equivalent suggests, or more specifically, to designate a canoe, which served as a useful means of transportation to these islanders and therefore played an important role in the daily life of this Speech Community. The second interpretation of this word was, however, turned out to be heavily situationally or culturally specified and might not be easily captured by an outsider from a different cultural background. Based on phenomena like this, Malinowski claimed that "In its primitive uses, language functions as a link in concerted human activity.It is a mode of action and not an instrument of reflection.” Needless to say, the work by Malinowski paved the way for a cultural, rather, a contextual study of language use in Britain. Strongly influenced by this anthropological view of language and being fully aware of the importance of the context in the study of language use, Firth, a leading figure in a model for illustrating the close relationship between language use and its co-occurrent factors.
China also gradually moves to research the language and the linguistic environment. Since 1990''s, a pretty important
aspect that Chinese literary language reforms is adopting "individual language tactics" which refers that individual spoken language takes individual experience as the basis of superficial characteristics, resisting common experience and common language, and proposing that fundamental characteristic should have history creativeness and the individual difference. The Chinese researchers have made the important contribution for the context research.
The research can teach us how to use spoken language in certain social scene and help us to achieve certain social goal. Everyone has his or her own speaking way which is regarded as individual spoken language. Different individual spoken language may reflect the different external context and situation.
Key Words..I
I. Individual Speech.…………….………………………………………….. 3
A.Individual Speech Characteristics.……….…..….…………….….….3
B.Individual Speech Functions……………….……..……………3
1. Interpersonal Function………….. …….. …….. …….. ……. ……..…. 3
2. Informative…..……..……..……..……..……..……..……..……..……..….…4
3. Performative.….….….….….….….….….….…….…5
4. Emotive Function.….….….….…….….….….….….…5
5. Phatic Communion.. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. ..6
6. Recreational Function. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6
II. Context Characteristics……………………. ……………….. .………………..7
A. Objective Practicability.…..…..…..…..…..…..…..…..…..…..…..…..… 7
B. Entirety..…..…..…..…..…..…..…..….…..…..…..…..…..…..….. …7
C. Dynamic..…..…..…..…..…..…..……..…..…..…..….….…..…..…..…7
D Difference..…..…..…..…..…..…..…..…..….…..…..…..…. …8
III. The Relationship of Individual Speech and Context.…………………………….. 8
A. Context’s Influence on the Individual Speech ….. ….. .…..….. 8
B.Influence of Individual Speech on Context. …. ….…….…. …. …… ….…9
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Chomsky,Noam. New Horizons in the Study of Language and Mind.北京:外语教学与研究出版社,2002.
Crystal,David. The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Language. 北京:外语教学与研究出版社,2000.
Goodluck,Helen. Language Acquistion: A Linguistic Introduction. 北京:外语教学与研究出版社,2000.
Jay,Timothy B. The Psychology of Language. 北京:北京大学出版社,2004.
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People’s speeches have different functions in different communication contexts. The article analyses the six functions of people’s languages and four communication contexts to reflect the relationship of them. People’s language functions were decided by different communication context characteristics, and they affect the communication context characteristics. People can get some society goals through mastering and using the right styles of speech functions in different communication contexts. Simply, from the article, people can understand that the individual speech is not simple as we thought; it also has many important functions. Meanwhile, people also understand the context which has many characteristics that people could accord to distinguish different conditions and decide how to use the proper language. The research of individual utterance and the context can help us to realize certain language function in certain scene, thus we can achieve certain social goal with advantage of the appropriate way. So if you have right words and proper language in different context, you will have a quality life.