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关键词:动物隐喻 文化差异 对比分析

Animal metaphor is an expression with cultural association through using animals as vehicle. It symbolizes people or things with similar characters by using the animal with vivid image, outstanding character and people are familiar with. There exist many animal metaphors in both Chinese and English, but objective cultural backgrounds and subjective factors also bring some difficulties in comprehension. For example, some of them have the same conceptual meaning but different pragmatic meaning, while some have the same pragmatic meaning but do not have the corresponding image meaning, and also some of them cannot make comparisons because of different regional culture. As to the subjective factors, that might include people’s different interests in animals and different ability of association, etc.
Nowadays many studies on animal metaphors are just limited to a brief list of some simple cultural phenomena from a cultural perspective or to a list of animals. Those studies haven’t systematically explored the process of understanding animal metaphors.
This thesis aims to discuss some typical animal metaphors by making comparisons, and then analyze some factors which lead to misunderstanding and finally give some suggestions and strategies to improve the comprehension.
By this comparative study, we find that the misunderstanding is mainly from the objective factors, such as different cultural background and regional culture. However, people’s subjective factors also bring difficulties to the understanding of animal metaphors. Therefore besides adopting more effective theories and cultural backgrounds, also people should expand their own interests in animals and develop the ability of discussing and associating as much information as possible about animals in different cultures, so as to come to the cultural fusion between Chinese and English.

Key Words: animal metaphor cultural difference comparative analysis
Animal words are one of the important components of the language and culture in a society. Language is not only the carrier of the culture but also the reflection of the culture. Metaphors of one language can reflect ways of thoughts of people who use that language as their mother tongue as well as characters of the social culture. Therefore to learn the usage of metaphors in a language and compare the differences of metaphors between different languages can do help for people to know the cultural differences in different nations, and enable communication among nations to be proceeded in a more effective way.

Abstract in English………………………………………………..ⅱ
Abstract in Chinese……………………………………………….ⅲ
Chapter 1 Introduction1
1.1 The Definition of Metaphor…………………………………..2
1.2 Animal Metaphors and Culture……………………………….2
Chapter 2 Literature Review………………………………………4
Chapter 3 Similarities and Differences between English and Chinese on Animal Words—A Comparative Study7
3.1 Same Animal Words, Same Meanings..7
3.2 Same Animal Words, Different Meanings…………………….9
3.3 Different Animal Words, Same Meanings.11
Chapter 4 Factors of The Formation of Animal Metaphors..12
4.1 The Social Cultural Factors of The Formation of Animal Metaphors..……12
4.1.1 Different Regional Culture………………………….12
4.1.2 Different Religious Beliefs………………………..…….13
4.1.3 Different Ways of Thinking…………………………13
4.2 Possible Factors for Difficulties in Understanding of Animal Metaphors….14
4.2.1 Objective Factors…………………………………..….14
4.2.2 Subjective Factors………………………………………15
Chapter 5 Ways and Strategies to Improve Understanding Animal Metaphors.17
5.1 Be Aware of The Cultural Meaning of Words…………….17
5.2 Supplement Culture Backgrounds……………………….17
5.3 Develop The Interest of Animals in Daily Life……………17
5.4 Expand The Ability of Discussion with Others……………..18
5.5 Show Great Interest of Different Cultures…………………..18
Chapter 6 Conclusion20


Black, M. More about metaphor. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1979.
Black, M. Models and Metaphors. Cornell: Cornell University Press, 1962.
Kovecses Zoltan. Metaphor: a practical introduction. New York: Oxford University Press, 2002.
Lakoff, G. & M. Johnson. Metaphors We Live By. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1980.
Sapir,Edward. Language. New York: Hardcourt Brace & Co, 1921.
Taylor, E.B. Primitive Culture. London: John Murray, 1871.
林书武,国外隐喻研究综观,《外语教学与研究》第 1 期,1997。

This thesis conducts a comparative study of the animal metaphors in corresponding expressions in English and Chinese by listing a large number of examples. Animal metaphors are the treasure of the language and culture, and are strongly characterized with geographical, religious colors etc.
Animal metaphors can be found everywhere in our everyday life and are closely related to culture. Animal metaphors formed on the basis of cultural backgrounds. When animal metaphor in two languages formed on the similar cultural backgrounds, it is very easy for the people in different cultures to understand; when animal metaphors in two languages formed on the different cultural backgrounds, it is very difficult for the people in different cultures to understand.
Due to the cultural universals and individualities, the symbols of some animals coincide completely or partly in Chinese and English; while others don’t, and some even turn out to be totally different or opposite. The cultural gap caused by different living environment, different life styles, different customs and practices, different religions and different history between English and Chinese leads to the lexical gap, thus causing difficulty in translation.
By exploring the process of understanding animal metaphors in Chinese and English, we find that besides some objective factors, there are many subjective factors which influence the understanding. These factors include people’s interests in animals and people’s different ability of discussion and association. Viewing the above factors, the author thinks that people should adopt more theories and cultural backgrounds for metaphor comprehension, and at the same time, people should develop their own interests in animals and expand the ability of discussing and associating as much information as possible about animals in different cultures.
In conclusion, it’s not easy to understand metaphors. There are many factors which have effects on understanding animal metaphors, and people should take in as more as effective ways and cultural backgrounds to understand metaphor, and at the same time, they should expand their own interests of animals in their daily life, and develop the ability of discussion and association. And from the above analysis, we can see that among the animal words, there are different connotations in different nations, and that also reflects the cultural differences between nations. To learn and understand cultural differences can help us understand the deepest meaning in the foreign cultures, and what’s more, to help us come to the cultural fusion and communication between Chinese and English.
However, this paper is limited to concern about the culture. Many factors are worthwhile to study in understanding animal metaphors, such as the people’s knowledge structure, people’ psychology, people’s ages and people’s life experiences. Since this paper is about the Chinese and English animal metaphor, so that more space to explore the different ages and life experiences can not be provided. Nevertheless, in the future work, when study the comprehension of metaphors in Chinese, the author will try to put more emphasis on studying people’s ages, psychology, knowledge structures and life experiences.
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