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My view on the Black Cat

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资料包括: 论文(2页676字) 
Abstract: Edgar Allen Poe’s position in the history of American literature is of real, unique importance. For a long time he was perhaps the most controversial and most misunderstanding of all American writers, but today, in America as well as in the world, he is undoubtedly a great writer of fiction, a poet of the first rank, and a critic acumen and insight.

Edgar Allen Poe’s short stories fall into two categories. One is mystery and horror story and the other is ratiocination story. The story my thesis demonstrates belongs to the former: the Black Cat, from his first collection of short stories, Tales of the Grotesque and Arabesque.

Key words: horror, alter ego, self-destruction

At the beginning of the story, the hero said that he had always loved animal and had been very affectionate toward them. One of the pets he had was a black cat Pluto, which he loved most. However, as the time went by, his life slowly changed by drinking. His need for alcohol soon grew into a terrible disease, which led to the result that he became cruel to his wife and animals. One day he cut out one of Pluto’s eyes from its socket because of his anger. Not long after that, he hung the poor animal from a tree and realized that his heart was heavy and black. Slowly, he felt sorry that he’d killed is so he tried to find another one like Pluto. To his surprise, he did find one which was much like Pluto except for a white mark on its front. It was even stranger that it had lost one of its eyes too, which make him uncomtable and scared. Slowly the mark grew and changed until it had the clear shape of a GALLOWS. He even could get no rest at night. One day, he was irritated by the cat and the anger exploded in his mind so he drove the axe deep into his wife’s head and killd her. After this horrible murder, he decided to hide the body behind the walls of the cellar.
童明, 2002,《美国文学史》 译林出版社。
吴伟任,2006, 《美国文学史及选读》,外语教学与研究出版社。
何木英,杜平,2005, 《美国文学简史与作品选读》, 四川大学出版社。
Edgar Allan Poe, 1998, “Tales of Mystery and Imagination”,Oxford University Press.
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