摘 要:民事保全制度作为民事诉讼法上不可或缺的重要制度,无论从民事诉讼的整体架构上还是从民事诉讼法的目的上看,都有其存在的重要意义和价值。其对保护当事人的合法权益和实现司法公正,发挥了积极的作用。但是我国现行民事诉讼法上的保全制度有些规定过于原则、不合理,不规范,导致实践中难以操作,使得民事保全制度不能真正实现其价值。本文从民事保全制度的概念、相关特征入手,阐述了民事保全制度的价值功能,分析了我国民事保全制度的现状,指出了我国现有保全制度存在的缺陷与不足,诸如保全种类比较单一,民事诉讼法中没有对行为保全做出系统的规定,立法规定过于简单、原则化、实践中难以操作,民事保全的担保审查工作不够全面,审查标准不统一,对被申请人的程序保障机制不健全等等。最后针对存在的问题进一步提出了完善我国民事保全制度的具体建议。
关键词:民事保全 财产保全 行为保全 救济 完善
As an irreplaceable institution, the Civil Security System plays a significant role not only in the whole structure of civil actions but also in the purpose of civil procedural law. It has a positive effect on protecting the litigant''s legal right and keeping the justice on legal. However, some current security system are excessively principle unreasonable and not standard, so it is very hard to expose it''s value. Based on the conception of civil security system of our country and some relative characteristics, this essay is trying to expound it''s functions, analysis the current situation and point out some deficiencies, such as the kind of security is too unitary; there is no system for behavior security and the legal institution is too simple and principled that it is hard to carry out. And the guarantee and examining of civil security is not perfect. Also, the standard is unified and the security system is not complete. At last, this essay gives some concrete suggestions to perfect the Civil Security System in our country.
Key Words: civil security ; financial security ; behavior security ;relief ;perfect .
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