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资料包括: 论文(6页5991字) 
关键词: 一氧化氮,疾病

Inducible nitric oxide synthase in diseases
 【A Review】 Nitric oxide(NO) is a biologically active molecule in vivo,it has been found to play an important role not only as a cytotoxic effector but also an immune regulatory mediator and a signal molecule of message transmission.The inducible NO synthase (iNOS) produces NO after cells were activated and play a rather complicated pathophysiological action in a variety of human diseases or disorders. The molecular biological character of iNOS,its expression in human diseases and probable significance were reviewed.
迟至20世纪80年代末,一氧化氮(nitric oxide, NO)才被认识到是人体内一种生物学活性分子。人体内的NO有两个来源。一为非酶生(non-enzymstigenese),来自体表或者摄入的无机氮的化学降解/转化;一为酶生(enzymstigenese),由NO合酶(NO synthase NOS)所合成。现已认识到NO既是一个有细胞毒性效应器作用的分子,是组织损伤的诱发因子和各种病变的增强因子,有其病理上不好的一面;又是生物体许多部分的信号(signal)分子,是先天性免疫应答的调节性效应分子,作为一种信息传递物质维持正常的生理功能,有其生理性好的一面。NO的这种双重性在人体的生理和病理过程中起了非常重要的作用[1]。



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