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关键词: 骨折愈合,诱导成骨

  1.骨生长因子及诱导成骨 骨折愈合是通过爬行替代还是骨诱导来完成多年来一直存在分歧。Urist(1965)将脱钙骨植入肌肉内,成功地诱发异位成骨,并预言脱钙骨中含有一种特殊蛋白,可以诱导血管周围游走的间充质细胞转化为骨系细胞,该蛋白称为骨形态发生蛋白(BMP)。随后于1982年从牛骨中提纯了BMP(bBMP),并对生化等方面的特性进行了深入研究,从而阐述了骨折愈合新理论——诱导成骨。Chalmers等〔1〕提出诱导成骨三要素:(1)诱导刺激物——BMP;(2)BMP的靶细胞——间充质类细胞;(3)有利于骨生长的血供环境。继Urist之后已从人及许多动物骨组织中提纯了BMP。实验表明正常骨组织中BMP主要位于骨胶原纤维、骨膜及骨髓基质中〔2〕。BMP还存在于小鼠及人的骨肉瘤组织中,但软骨肉瘤中却没有测到BMP的存在〔3〕。临床应用BMP修复骨缺损先后有成功报道〔4,5〕。然而BMP在骨内含量极微,约1mg/kg湿骨,且在体内迅速弥散、降解〔6〕,因此仅用BMP修复骨缺损用量太大〔4〕,使临床应用受到限制。如何以最小的BMP用量获取较大的成骨效应,成为被关注的问题〔7〕。近年许多学者将BMP与载体结合组成其释放系统(BMP/载体)来解决这些问题〔8、9〕。常用的载体有钙磷陶瓷人工骨、生物玻璃、石膏、胶原及纤维蛋白凝块等。BMP赋于载体骨诱导能力,载体则充当BMP的释放系统,并为新骨的形成提供支架和场所。据Urist等〔9〕介绍BMP/磷酸三钙植入肌肉内其诱导的新骨量比单用BMP大12倍,表明BMP借助载体缓慢释放,不断作用于靶细胞,诱导形成更多新骨。此外BMP基因重组蛋白的研究也受到重视〔10〕。有关BMP应用方式,除手术切开植入外,近有学者将BMP与成纤维细胞因子(FGF)复合物经皮注射,促进骨愈合。这些新的组合及给药途径,将为临床应用带来积极影响。

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  2.Yang LJ,Jin Y.Immunohistochemical observations on bone morphogenetic protein in normal and abnormal conditions.Clin Orthop 1990,257:249
  3.Yoshikawa H,Rettig WJ,Lane JM,et al.Immunohistochemical detection of bone morphogenetic proteins in bone and soft tissue sarcomas.Cancer,1994,74(3):842
  4.Urist MR,Kovacs S,Yates KA,et al.Regeneration of an enchondroma defect under the influence of an implant of human bone morphogenetic protein.J Hand Surg,1986,11(3):417
  5.Johnson EE,Urist MR,Finerman GAM.Bone morphogenetic protein augmentation grafting of resistant femoral nonunions.Clin Orthop,1988,230:257
  6.Kawamura M,Urist MR.Human fibrin is a physiologic delivery system for bone morphogenetic protein.Clin Orthop,1988,235:302
  7.Hechman JD,Boyan BD,Aufdemorte TB,et al.The use of bone morphogenetic protein in the treatment of nonunion in a canine model.J Bone Joint Surg(Am),1991,73(5):750
  8.Urist MR,Nilsson O,Rasmussen J,et al.Bone regeneration under the influence of a bone morphogenetic protein,beta-tricalciumphosphate (TCP) composite in skull trephine defects in dogs.Clin Orthop,1987,214:295
  9.Urist MR,Lietze A,Dawson E.β-tricalcium phosphate delivery system for bone morphogenetic protein.Clin Orthop,1984,187:277
  10.Chen P,Carrington JL,Hammonds RG,et al.Stimulation on chondrogenesis in limb bud mesoderm cells by recombinant human bone morphogenetic protein 2B and modulation by transforming growth factor β1 and β2.Exp Cell Res,1991,195(4):509
  11.Sampath TK,Coughlin JE,Whetstone RM,et al.Bovine osteogenic protein is composed of dimers of DP-1 and BMP-2A,two members of the transforming growth factor-beta superfamily.J Biol Chem,1990,265(3):13198
  12.Gospodarowicz D.Fibroblast growth factor.Clin Orthop,1990,257:231
  13.Graves DT,Cochran DL.Periodontal regeneration with polypeptide growth factors.Curr Opin Periodontal,1994,1:178
  16.Healey JH,Zimmerman PA,Jessop AB,et al.Percutaneous bone marrow grafting of delayed union and nonunion in cancer patients.Clin Orthop,1990,256:280
  17.Connolly JF,Guse R,Tiedeman J,et al.Autologus marrow injection as a substitute for operative grafting of tibial nonunions.Clin Orthop,1991,266:259
  19.Wolf JW JR,White AA,Panjabi MM,et al.Comparison of cyclic loading versus constant compression in the treatment of long-bone fracture in the rabbits.J Bone Joint Surg(Am),1981,63(5):805
  20.Rubin CT,Lanyon LE.Regulation of bone formation by applied dynamic loads.J Bone Joint Surg (Am),1984,66(3):397
  21.Yasuda I.Electrical callus formation by electret.Clin Orthop,1977,124:53
  22.Zichner L.Repair of non-union by eletrically pulsed current stimulation.Clin Orthop,1981,161:115
  23.Bassett CAL,Mitchell SN,Gaston SR.Treatment of ununited tibial diaphyseal fracture with pulsing electromagnetic fields.J Bone Joint Surg(Am),1981,63(4):511
  25.Waisman M.Experimental study on healing of bone fracture using L-Dopa.Clin Orthop,1979,142:244

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