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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 15/06/02


论文编号:WHCY050 论文字数:18167,页数:23 附任务书,开题报告,外文翻译,文献综述


 ABSTRACT China''s food safety has been an inevitable topic for a Long-term, more and more problems on food safety occurred to the consumers and producers. The San Lu event ,which have happended two years ago, have gradually out of the sight of public, but recently the found of some milk products in Shanghai and Shanxi still contain melamine. There comes a question to Chinese consumers: when Chinese food markets will be safe? The San Lu event happened in 2008 is not only an disaster to an enterprise, but an education to the entire Chinese food industry which has a profound meaning of curriculum. The public crisis is generally refer to a extraordinary relationship between enterprises and the public such as consumers, news media and government because of some unconventional factors which bring an undesirable  impact to an enterprise''s reputation and development. It occurred everywhere while all enterprises are struggling to avoid it. However, an effective crisis management , can help an enterprise make through the crisis successful, and sometimes even bring a new opportunity. What’s more, it is important for the leaders to have a consciousness when there is a crisis which is in it’s Incubation Period in the process of operation. It’s also a vital part to discern how to deal with the new situation happended during the crisis, and have an evaluation after the crisis. This article is based on the San Lu event and analysised the case empirically, Then put forward a suggestion on the way of management to the leaders of both the enterprise and the government.
Key words: Chinese enterprise;public crisis;enterprise leader


目 录
(一)绪论 3
1.1 研究背景 3
1.1.1 事件回放 3
1.1.2 三鹿品牌危机 4
1.2三鹿事件的影响 4
1.2.1国内影响 4
1.2.2 国际影响 4
(二)公共危机理论概述 5
2.1 危机管理起源与定义 5
2.1.1 危机管理起源 5
2.1.2 什么是危机管理 5
2.2 公共危机相关理论 5
2.2.1 危机管理的4R理论 6
(三)公共危机与中国食品企业分析 6
3.1 危机分析 6
3.1.1 危机爆发后的三鹿 6
3.1.2 三鹿事件的危机分析 7
3.1.3 危机公关原则 8
3.1.4 中国传统危机公关原则策略 8
3.2 食品企业现状 9
3.2.1 中国食品安全监管体制存在的问题 9
3.2.2 产品和品牌意识淡薄 10
3.3 中国食品企业管理漏洞 10
3.3.1 缺乏真正的危机管理意识 11
3.3.2 无法正视自身定位 11
3.3.3 忽视媒体的作用 11
(四)建立企业公共危机领导人责任机制 11
4.1 三鹿事件的启示 12
4.1.1 企业领导层道德素质的重要性 12
4.1.2 企业质量监测体系的重要性 12
4.2 正确处理企业与媒体的关系 12
4.2.1 注意消费者信息的反馈 12
4.2.2 建立与媒体沟通的日常通路 12
4.2.3 注意及时发布企业信息 12
4.3 构建领导人危机防御机制 13
4.3.1 正确制定危机管理计划 13
4.3.2 信息监测预警系统 13
4.3.3 人员监督机制 13
4.3.4 以企业领导人为组长的危机应急小组 14
4.4有效公关危机管理 14
4.4.1危机公关方略 14
4.4.2 危机处理原则 14
4.4.3 制定正确危机管理战略计划 15
(五)结论 17
致 谢 20
参考文献 21

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