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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 15/06/02


论文编号:WHCY082 论文字数:14006,页数:20 附任务书,开题报告,外文翻译,文献综述

ABSTRACT: With the rapid development of Internet, online advertisings are going  into the lives of Internet users more and more, China has attracted more and more advertisers with the growing network adversting market. At present, compared to the traditional media advertisements, an increasing number of users accepted this form of online advertising, and in their own development in a wide range of online advertising has spread the network has the interaction and creativity, the more cost savings can be accurately characterized by increasing advertising effectiveness statistics show, It has become the direct effective platform of the businesses and consumers to communicate. Common form of online advertising has gained recognition, and the new forms of online advertising are changing all the time. The key of the success of the Advertising Communication is whether the advertisers can effectively communicate with the consumers and in their hearts to leave the distinct memory which is different from other competitors,. In China, online advertising is an emerging advertising market, advertisers are not very understanding this new form of advertising ,and the process in using online ads are still blind, They are not able to give full play to the advantages of online advertising. Advertisers also need to know more about the advertising on the network, optimizing the delivery strategies.
 Key words: Online ads, Advantage, Countermeasure, Type
目 录
绪论 5
第一章、网络广告概述 5
第一节、网络广告的定义 5
第二节、网络广告的发展脉络 5
第二章、网络广告的类型 6
第一节、常见网络广告类型 6
一、网幅广告(包含Banner、Button、通栏、竖边、巨幅等) 6
二、文本链接广告(Text-link Ads) 6
三、关键字广告(Key word Ads) 6
四、电子邮件广告 7
五、插播式广告(Interstitial Ads) 7
六、赞助(Sponsorship) 7
七、富媒体广告(Rich Media) 7
第二节、新型广告 7
第三章、网络广告的优势 8
第一节、无时空限制,信息量大 8
第二节、表现形式丰富、投放形式多样 8
第三节、价格低廉 9
一、网络广告制作简单,成本低 9
二、网络广告投放成本较低 9
第四节、实时性 10
一、网络广告发布和修改的实时性 10
二、沟通的实时性 10
第五节、精确性 10
一、受众目标针对性强,可精确统计 10
二、广告效果易于检测,可精确统计 11
第六节、互动性 11
一、衡量互动性的三个指标 11
二、网络广告互动性的体现 12
第四章、对广告主如何充分发挥网络广告优势的建议 12
第一节、理性认识网络广告 12
一、真实是网络广告的可贵品质 12
二、理性认识网络广告的地位 13
三、网络广告不简单是在互联网上贴广告 13
第二节、优化投放策略 14
一、选择好的网络发布平台,谨防“门户盲目症” 14
二、加强受众研究,科学的投放策略 14
第三节、基于互动提高网络广告的有效性 14
一、迎合网民的浏览习惯 14
二、从技术层面增强网络广告的创意 16
三、运用个性化策略 16
四、运用激励式策略 16
第四节、将网络广告纳入整合营销中去 16
一、充分利用网络广告的新形态 16
二、与传统媒体有效整合 18
结束语 18
致谢 19
参考文献 20

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