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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 发布时间: 09/12/12


  On Exploration of Human Nature in Wang Anyi's Novel

  【摘要】 王安忆是当代中国文坛上一位杰出女作家。在她30年的创作实践中,对人的关注和对人性的探究是她小说不变的宗旨。人是自然属性、社会属性的统一体,这两方面的属性相互联系,相互作用,共同形成人性的系统结构。王安忆小说对人性的探寻大体也离不开这两个主要方向。王安忆在日常生活题材小说中,从本质上颂扬了美好的人性,一方面表现为作品中的人物对善与美的不懈追求,传达她对生命的关爱和同情;另一方面颂扬日常生活中的韧性美、顽强的生命力、坚守尊严,积极探求深远的人性奥秘。小说“三恋”及《岗上的世纪》等作品,大胆张扬性爱这一人的本能欲望,对人普遍求新求异的本性、人性深处的孤独、人对自我价值实现的需要予以更多的理解和宽容,体现了王安忆对人性问题的深层思考,少了作家的价值评价,多了客观的人性关怀。从社会属性层面研究,主要体现在传统文化及市场经济对人性的扭曲和异化,传统文化中虚伪和病态的“仁义”,市场经济环境下精神的沦陷和金钱的欲望,使人走向了美好人性的反面,对此王安忆作了反思和批判。

  【Abstract】 Wang Anyi is an outstanding female writer in contemporary Chinese literary. In her three decades of creative practice, attention to people and exploration of human nature is the same purpose of her novels. In this article from the point of Wang Anyi's writing practice for many years, faithful to my own inner feelings and experiences of reading, quote the theory that is closely related to the novel creation and explore the human connotation. Writers who has reached the depth of human stain to the theme of human nature for the creation in contemporary literary scene in China from beginning to end are not uncommon, and her unique writing and analysis of human nature make her quite different from other writers. She is unique for her analysis of individual life as objects, for the analysis of a natural perspective, day-to-day digestion methods for the analysis, and reached true understanding of human nature. Demonstrate the complexity of the human world: The real beauty of humanity, kindness, integrity, simplicity, the truth, the tenacity tenacious, vital force; The realization of the natural attributes such as inherent appetite, sexual desire, human narrow-minded, selfish, conservative, hypocritical, material pursuits, such as to meet the physiological function of the distortions and variability of human nature. In her literary world concerns to the fate of human being and questioning the value of human existence make her works full of cohesiveness and profound expression.Human being is the entity of natural attributes and social attributes, These two properties are interrelated and interact to form a common structure of human nature. To explore human nature in Wang Anyi's novel can not be separated from the two main directions generally. In this article question will be discussed on the research of sex from the point of the daily life, love the world, traditional culture and market economy.First, the light of human nature in the daily lives.The light of human nature in daily life.The glorification of the beautiful nature of humanity in Wang Anyi's daily life novels. On one hand, the characters in her novels pursue kindness and beauty perseverely, convey her love of life and sympathy; On the other hand, praised the toughness of the daily life, indomitable vitality, which insists on the moral and dignity of human nature actively to explore the profound mysteries of humanity. The beauty of humanity shown in her works the outcome of a dialectical unity of natural attributes and social attributes, the two are connected together to create a healthy human individual under certain circumstances. At the same time, kindness and beauty, stubborn tenacity are the best interpretation of the ultimate quest by the author and the characters in her works. The glorification of civilians' spirit in daily life also implies the existentialism philosophy, she believes that reality has a certain degree of rationality, she acknowledged that all reality is reasonable.Second, human publicity

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