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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 发布时间: 09/12/07







  关键词:同性恋 性别 身份 现身 性别表演


  A Study on Homosexual Narration in Chinese Contemporary Literature

  by  Xianfeng, He

  Body politics is an important discuss in the recent literature theory field, in fact, gender has changed a lot in recent years, and these changes get their performance in Chinese Contemporary Literature .The thesis , using west sexual theories for references, analyses the homosexual narration in some texts from 1980s, and narrates the meaning of this narration.

  The whole thesis consists of three chapters:

  The first chapter analyses some “queer” females. There are some characteristics in their bodies ,which makes the important sex differentiations from the former female sex. They resists the male power center , and the homosexual factors emerge in their resistance activities ,at the same time , they begin to construct their gender identity. However , they are forced to walk back to heterosexual closet and conceal their real gender, thus ,these texts develops a mode: emergence ——concealment mode, and this mode exists in the whole homosexual narration till the end of the last century.

  The second chapter narrates the characteristics of the gender identity in the homosexual narration: gender identity begins to flow . Faced to the heterosexual society , the “queer” persons in the texts proceed to perform their gender identities, and this performance is because of the strong pressure from the heterosexual society.

  The third chapter discusses the sex heresy’s evasion and escape behavior in the homosexual narration. Faced to the pressure of the heterosexual society, the sex heresies in the early homosexual narration are forced to evade and accept the heterosexual norms and become normal, or escape from heterosexual society. In the texts of younger writers’, the pressure of heterosexual society has disappeared completely .Gender identity has acquired a possibility to develop diversification , which makes the hope of deconstruction the heterosexual hegemony become more clear.

  key words: homosexuality gender body  gender emergence  gender performativity

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