摘 要:公司瑕疵设立制度是我国公司法修改中的一项重要内容,本文撰写主要分为二大部分:第一部分对瑕疵设立做了一个基本的介绍,包括瑕疵设立的概念,特点,产生原因,重点介绍了我国以及其他不同法系国家对于瑕疵设立效力的规定;第二部分针对我国公司法关于瑕疵设立的规定分析利弊,介绍了我国瑕疵设立的相关立法,针对瑕疵设立的几种情形,对问题提出解决建议,在借鉴国外经验的基础上,建立科学、合理、完备的公司瑕疵设立法律调控机制。
关键词:公司瑕疵 瑕疵设立 法律缺陷
The blemish instauration system is a very important part of China’s company law modification, this discourse is carved up about 2 parts. The first part is an introduction about the blemish instauration, include the conception of the blemish instauration system, its characteristic, the reason what course it, and some provision about the effectiveness of blemish instauration in China’s law and in the other countries. The second part is dead against some provision about China’s company law and try to analyze the advantage and the disadvantage about it, then try to table a proposal to solve the problem, try to build a scientific reasonable blemish instauration system which on the basis of use the provision of overseas’ law for reference
Key-words: blemish; instauration; disadvantage
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