论文编号:WHCY049 论文字数:15524,页数:21 附任务书,开题报告,外文翻译,文献综述
Analysis of Product Placement in Online Video
ABSTRACT: As a brand-new style, product placement has already been acquaintance by more and more people. We can find its shadow easily in TV show and movie. However, with the advance of Internet, we come into “WEB 2.0”, and interaction has been an important research projects in marketing of advertisement and communication. Product placement comes to find a new channel to advertise. With characteristic of open and convenience of Internet and characteristic of hidden of product placement, product placement in online video will get best effects. It is mainly ways that, for product placement in online video, holding an activity or making up own movie and programs. But video web site is a newer, and there are a lot of uncertain elements which leads it uncertain. According to this paper, we will analyze the mode of video web site and advantage and disadvantage to find the problems. We will analyze the achievement about Tudou.com and Youku.com, and we try to give some suggestions and plan to the future.
Key words: product placement; video online; video web site; tudou.com; youku.com
目 录
绪论 1
(一) 网络具有很大的广告受众群体 1
(二) 网络广告拥有巨大的市场利润 2
(三) 网络视频植入式广告还有很大的发展空间 2
一、 网络视频植入式广告的现状 3
(一) 网络视频植入式广告简介 3
(二) 网络视频植入式广告发展现状 4
(三) 实证分析 6
1. 土豆网 6
2. 优酷网 7
二、 网络视频植入式广告的问题 9
(一) 问题的所在 9
1. 版权问题 9
2. 植入式广告在网络视频中的效果难以衡量 9
3. 网络视频植入式广告的资费问题 10
4. 网络视频植入式广告形式缺少创新 10
(二) 问题的原因 11
1. 网络的开放性 11
2. 网络视频植入式广告制作者水平参差不齐 11
3. 网络视频植入式广告的资费模式没有建立 12
三、 网络视频植入式广告的未来 13
(一) 问题的解决 13
1. 新媒体剧的进一步发展 13
2. 热点事件营销 13
3. 培养专业播客,长期合作 14
(二) 对未来的展望 15
致谢 16
参考文献 17