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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 15/06/02


论文编号:WHCY036 论文字数:16823,页数:17 附任务书,开题报告,外文翻译,文献综述

 ABSTRACT:With the rapid development of technology and the innovation of content industries. The network development and consumption of cultural products has become a modern social and economic new growth point,such as blog, podcast, online games, and so on. But as a new industrial and economic forms, cultural products of our country industrialization of the network is still in development stage development, single business model, outstanding legal and security issues, lack of core technology and professional talent shortage ,industrial development is also not very clear . In this regard, we should take innovation as the development center, according to three principles including legitimacy, profitability and professional, study the network of cultural products and industrial development of ideas from requirements and technology updates.
 Key words: Network of cultural products; Network Culture Industry; Four-dimensional interactive model; Industrial development ideas
目  录
一、引言:网络文化产品的发展现状 1
二、网络文化产业与网络文化产品 1
2.1 网络文化产品的理论研究 1
2.1.1网络文化产品的概念 1
2.1.2.网络文化产品的特征 2
2.1.3网络文化产品的分类 3
2.2网络文化产业的理论研究 3
2.2.1网络文化产业的概念 4
2.2.2网络文化产业的特征 4
2.2.3 网络文化产业的分类 5
三、网络文化产业的勃兴背景和发展动力 6
3.1 政治背景 6
3.2 经济背景 6
3.3 文化背景 6
3.4 科技背景 6
四、网络文化产品产业化开发的困境 7
4.1法律问题众多 7
4.2核心技术欠缺 8
4.3网络伦理问题突出 8
五、网络文化产品的产业化开发思路 8
5.1 一个开发中心 9
5.2 两条开发线索 10
5.2.1 基于人民需求开发网络文化产品 10
5.2.2 基于技术革新开发网络文化产品 10
5.3 三项开发原则 10
5.3.1 合法性 10
5.3.2 专业化 11
5.3.3盈利性 11
致  谢 13
参考文献 14

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