【摘要】 随着我国遗产旅游的蓬勃发展,简单的观光旅游已不能满足游客的需求,越来越多的游客把旅游视为学习知识和提高自己素养的一种有效途径,这就对文化遗产地的旅游解说系统提出了更高的要求。基于这种情况,作者试图探讨解说能否作为一种有效的管理工具来平衡旅游与保护之间的矛盾,通过解说的教育功能来影响游客的游览行为。本研究以明定陵的人员解说服务为研究对象,通过问卷调查、深度访谈、实地考察等手段,运用多种统计方法,针对游客进行遗产旅游,在有无人员解说服务的条件下,从人口统计学特征、游览特征、遗产知识获取、遗产体验的增加、遗产保护行为五个方面对可能影响游客对于人员解说满意度的因素进行分析,借以了解人员解说服务的有效性。研究结果显示,无人员解说服务的游客和选择三种不同人员解说服务的游客结束定陵游览后,在知识获取方面,测试成绩没有呈现显著性的差别;在遗产体验方面,景区付费导游的解说效果最好,其次是义务讲解员,随团导游一般,无人员解说服务的游客遗产体验认同度最差,总体而言,有人员解说服务的游客的遗产认同态度优于自行游览的游客;在遗产行为方面,景区付费导游服务的游客的遗产保护赞同度高于没有人员解说服务的游客,更高于随团导游服务的游客。这就表明,人员解说可以提高游客的遗产体验,并帮助游客构建正确的遗产态度,产生积极保护遗产的行为,但这些改变却是有限的。本研究表明,人员解说如果能够受到管理者的重视,被合理规划实施,是能够改变游客的遗产态度和行为,从而成为游客管理和遗产保护的有效工具,实现文化遗产的发展和保护。
【Abstract】 With the rapid development of heritage tourism,simple sightseeing can no longer satisfy the needs of tourists.An increasing number of tourists think travel is an effective way to learn knowledge and improve their quality.Cultural heritage interpretation system has to face a higher demand.Based on this background,the author tries to test whether interpretor's service can be taken as a management tool to resolve the problems and to change the improper behaviors of the visitors.This research selects the Ding Tomb as the research area.Through questionnaire,deep interview, field survey,the paper analyzes the characters of the visitors and the satisfaction to the interpretor's service.Then the author adopted three indexes as the evaluation factors such as the acquaintance of the knowledge,the change of attitude and behavior.The results are as follows:The visitors who have interpreter service have higher efficiency for leisure experience and got higher scores in attitude test and behavior test.However,there is no significant difference between the visitors who has the interpreter's service or not in knowledge test.The paper also gets the conclusion that if interpreter service in the culture heritage is planned carefully and reasonably,it can be a very useful tool in the visitor management.
【关键词】 解说员; 遗产旅游; 解说效果; 满意度; 定陵
【Key words】 Interpreter; Heritage Tourism; Effects of Interpreter Service; Satisfaction; Ding Tomb