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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: admin 发布时间: 13/09/05

资料包括: 论文(54页39749字) 

摘 要:教育在本质上是引导学生“成人”,促进学生的全面发展,教育的最终目的不仅要教会学生如何做事,更应该教会学生如何做人。随着时代的发展,激烈的社会竞争对人才的综合素质尤其是做人素质的要求越来越高,因此,近年来做人教育成为我国教育理论研究和实践研究的重要课题,如何对学生进行做人教育,以提高他们的做人素质的也越来越受到人们的重视。


Abstract :The core of education is to “bring up” students, to develop them in an all-round way. The pursuit for education is not merely to tell students how to work, to let them know how to do as man do. With the development of the society and in view of the continually increasing intensity of the competition, our society is giving emphasis to one’s well-rounded quality especially the essential quality of conducting oneself. Thus, recently, education of conducting oneself has been one important task to our country’s research on education from both theory and practice. Because of the above, how to guide students to do as man do, how to improve their ideas of conducting oneself become more and more clear to all the researchers.
Generally, most schools in our country can not suit the needs of the ask of our society for the available education of conducting oneself on neither its situation nor the level. That can be seen evidently in the middle vocational schools. Now, most of the middle vocational schools pay more attention to the training of the skills of “how-to-live”, in contrast, they all lose sight of the education of “live-for-what” on students. Being a serious phenomenon of repaying to this, the middle vocational schools hardly lose the education on the students the quality of conducting oneself, and they may face the problem of being difficult to find employment and weak to complete with other graduates, which has cramped the continuous development of the middle vocational education and set a hidden peril for the middle vocational students’ healthy “bringing-up”. So, how to enforce the education of conducting oneself on the middle vocational students becomes a task which should be thought much about and dealt with as soon as possible. Here, the author wishes to find the cause of the problem by searching for the project and to give some advice for forming scientifically the education of conducting oneself of the middle vocational schools.
By observation, investigation, case analysis and practice etc, the paper has a round, deep and completed study and research on the basic meaning and its significance, the existence situation and its cause, and the solution ways in various dimensions and gradations of the education of conducting oneself. Except the introduction, the paper includes three parts:
The first part mainly explains the definition, historic origin in and research significance of educating for an upright person in vocational middle schools. It first defines it as to nurture a qualified citizen with positive values, career goals, and a sense of responsibility, morality, behaviors and habits through education by schools, families and the society. Moreover, it specifies the basic meaning of such education in a vocational middle school, which , combined with the practical characteristics of the current students in a vocational school setting, should include fostering positive values, a strong sense of responsibility, a good morality and behaviors, highly sociable skills and professionalism. It further notes the important significance of strengthening such education to vocational middle school students on sustainable development of vocational training, academic and social growth and of the students, as well as overall promotion of moral education. The second part, which base on the introduction and conclusion of the current education situation about the present secondary vocational school, points out the lack of quality display in life mainly and at the sometime, it points out the lack responsibility consciousness and so on, which grow from school, family, society and so on.
The third part, which according to the analyses above and current conditions about the students of secondary vocational school stresses that the education of students and carry out some ideas which rely mainly on idea to set up the concept of current educati n; found on ordinary education to infiltrate education of conducting oneself overall; regard course as route to pay attention to the infiltration of conducting oneself comprehensive; rely on hidden education to set up thick atmosphere of education.

Key Words: conduct oneself; education of conducting oneself; vocational school students; middle vocational school

引 言

一、职中生做人教育的基本内涵及研究意义…………… (3)
结 语……………………………………………………(38)
注 释……………………………………………………(39)
参考文献…………………………………………………… (41)
[32]何静.青少年人格教育初[EB/OL]. 硕博论文库
[50]张引,魏腾飞.人格培养与素质教育[J].国家高级教育行政学院学报.2001(7) .

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