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摘 要:本文主要借鉴国外对教科书中性别歧视现象研究的相关理论,运用定量和定性分析相结合的研究方法,对由我国人民教育出版社与英国朗文出版集团合作编写出版的使用期为1996年至2005年的高中英语教科书是否存在性别歧视现象进行了探讨。[注:本研究指的性别歧视为狭义的,即指对女性的歧视,因为广义的性别歧视包含对男性的歧视,如近年来有研究表明,英美语言文化中亦存在着所谓“罪孽联想男性化”(masculinization of evil)的倾向(August,1990, 参见杨永林,2004:250)。在汉语文化里也有类似现象,如我们指流氓时,一般会暗含其性别为男性;而若欲指女性流氓,则会标记为“女流氓”。]
教科书里的性别文化因素是一种重要的隐性课程资源。教科书在英语教与学中的重要地位使教科书中蕴涵的性别歧视信息对学生的无歧视性性别图式的形成具有阻碍作用,高中英语教科书体现的“累积效应”在学生性别社会化的过程中具有重要影响。在西方学术界,随着女权运动和社会语言学的发展,教科书中的性别歧视现象研究早在20世纪70年代业已盛行。国外研究发现世界各国的教科书几乎都不同程度地存在性别歧视现象,研究成果对许多国家的教科书的编审以及社会各界特别是出版和政府部门语言使用中性别歧视现象的消除起了推动作用,甚至促成了一些国家或地区从立法的高度对性别歧视现象予以消除, 如美国在1972年通过了Title IX教育修正法案(Title IX of the Education Amendment Act),规定受到政府财政资助的学校里性别歧视被视为非法,法案的结果之一就是消除或至少要减少教学材料中的性别歧视现象(Evans & Davies, 2000; Titus, 1993,参见Yanowitz and Weathers, 2004);新西兰1994年颁布的英语课程标准也把性别平等作为基本理念之一,提出了The Gender-inclusive Curriculum这一概念(Ministry of Education of New Zealand, 1994:13);日本政府在1996年草拟了性别平等基本方案(The Basic Plan for Gender Equality),1999年颁布性别平等社会基本法(The Basic Law for a Gender-Equal Society),1997年日本教育、文化、体育、科学、技术部(The Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science, and Technology,MEXT)修订了教育改革纲要,其中包括“增强性别平等意识”。我国台湾《性別平等教育法》于2004年6月23日颁布实施。
本研究从内容和语言两个层面较系统地研究了我国高中英语教科书(高一至高三含5本书)中的性别歧视现象。在内容方面,审视了:1. 两性出现频次:含主人公、杰出人物、单元标题中的出现频次和插图四个维度,定量研究发现该套教科书在两性出现频次上存在很不平衡的现象;2. 性别角色:含职业角色和家庭角色两方面,研究发现各册教科书中男性在职业数量方面均超过了女性,而且从事的很多职业社会经济地位较高,也强化了刻板化的家庭角色如女性做饭、养育后代、照顾家人小孩等;3. 会话分析:含两性话题差异、话语控制权、打断、附加问句和闪避语等方面,可能因为样本偏小且该套教科书的会话语料的非真实性,本研究维度没有发现国外类似研究显示的明显的性别歧视现象。至于语言方面的性别歧视,从标记性问题、成对结构的词序问题、通称结构等方面进行了研究,结果发现该套教科书存在语言方面的性别歧视。

关键词: 高中英语教科书 性别歧视 社会语言学

Abstract :In the light of the research strategy adopted in the examination of sexism existing in the international textbooks, this thesis attempts to perceive whether or not sexism exists in the series of English Textbooks for Senior High School Students (in use from the year of 1996 to 2005) jointly compiled and published by People’s Education Press and British Longman Publishing Group through a qualitative and quantitative research.
Factors responsible for sexism in the textbooks constitute an important hidden curriculum source which counterworks against the formation of non-discriminating gender schema in the students’ mind as the textbooks play a significant role in English teaching and learning. The “cumulative impact” identifiable in the textbooks is bound to influence students’ gender socialization. In the western academia, in the wake of the Feminist Movement and Social Linguistics Advancement, researches upon sexism in the textbooks prevailed as early as in the 1970s, which revealed that almost with no exception sexism was identifiable in textbooks published in different countries. Such research conclusions in turn have promoted the removal of sexism in the editing and compiling of many countries’ textbooks as well as in the language usage of people from all walks of life, especially of those engaging in the publication industry or working at government organs, and have even pushed some countries or areas to put the removal of sexism high on agenda and try to tackle it through the legal mechanism. For instance, with the passage of Title IX of the Education Amendment Act of 1972 in USA, gender discrimination became illegal in schools. One consequence of this act was a need to eliminate, or at least reduce, gender bias in educational materials (Evans & Davies, 2000;Titus, 1993,cited in Yanowitz and Weathers, 2004); Upholding the concept of the Gender-inclusive Curriculum, in 1994 English in the New Zealand Curriculum promulgated also holds that gender equality forms a fundamental cornerstone of education (Ministry of Education of New Zealand, 1994:13); In 1996, Japanese government drafted the Basic Plan for Gender Equality; in 1999, the Basic Law for a Gender-Equal Society was promulgated and in 1997 the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science, and Technology modified the program of education reform, with “enhancing awareness of gender equality” included. And in Taiwan, a Province of China, the Law for Gender-Equal Education was promulgated and put into effect on June 23, 2004.
However, due to historical factors, to examine textbooks in the perspective of gender failed to rouse the attention of the scholars in the Chinese mainland until as late as in the 1990s. It is a regret that researches in this field have not yet given rise to the promulgation of the related laws or stipulations to rid textbooks of sexism.
The thesis systematically examines sexism existing in the series of English textbooks for senior high school students (altogether 5 books ranging from those for the first grade to those for the third grade) from the two dimensions ——the content and the language. With regard to its content, the thesis scrutinizes: (1) visibility in four dimensions: the protagonists’ presentation, the outstanding personalities representation, the genders’ presentation in the units’ titles and the illustrations and the quantitative research upon the textbooks has revealed marked imbalance in the visibility between both genders. (2) the occupational roles as well as family roles indicating that professional men outnumber professional women and the former mostly engage in those occupations which usually go with higher social, economic status, so the stereotype of a woman’s family role is reinforced simply as a cook, a caretaker of the kids and the other family members or a cook-cum-caretaker. (3) conversation analysis (CA) has shown that there are differences in topic selection for different genders, as well as in turn taking, interruptions, tag questions and hedges. Owing to the fact that the research sample is small and the conversations lack in authenticity, so far the research in this dimension has not identified obvious sexism as revealed in similar studies. (4) linguistic analysis embraces firstness, marked for females while unmarked for males, masculine generic conception. The research in this dimension has perceived sexism in this set of textbooks.
In the end, an all-around review of the endeavors made in foreign countries and areas to rid textbooks of sexism enables us to give proposals concerning the following three aspects: (a) to stipulate and improve mandatory laws; (b) to prudently compile and edit, and (c) select textbooks so as to remove sexism in English textbooks, for the reference of the educational decision-making bodies, textbooks’ compiling and editing departments and the textbooks’ approving authorities.

Key words: senior high school EFL textbooks, sexism, sociolinguistics

第一章 引 言
1.1 研究背景
1964年,在美国召开的第9届国际语言学大会标志着一门新兴的边缘学科—社会语言学诞生了(赵蓉晖,2003a)。据史料记载,对语言中的性别差异的研究可以追溯到1664年。当年人们读到了一篇关于加勒比人的语言中的性别差异的文章。据报道,当欧洲人首次到达那的列斯群岛并且与居住在该岛的印第安人接触时,他们就发现男人和女人说不同的语言。男人所说的话与女人所说的话区别非常大。男人的语言中有很多特别的词语,但女人所使用的一些词语男人从来不用,否则就会被人讥笑(Thorne and Henley, 1975: 5,参见刘建达,1998)。赵蓉晖(2003b:45)认为语言与性别研究的最早文献是1665年罗博尼福特(Robnefort)所著的Histoire Naturellet Moraledes Iles Antillet一书;1922年,叶斯帕森在其颇具影响的语言学著作《语言:本质、发展及起源》(Language: Its Nature, Development and Origin)中用一章的篇幅阐述了女性语言的特点,如女性更多地使用委婉语,较少用咒骂语(ibid: 47)。语言与性别研究在20世纪60年代以后进入社会语言学研究领域的系统研究时期,在理论上经历了缺陷论、支配论、差异论、礼貌论、建构论等时期。1985年,美国加州大学Berkley分校的一些研究生成立了Berkeley Women and Language Group以推动语言与性别研究,该组织于1999年发展为国际性别与语言协会(The International Gender and Language Association),每两年召开一次学术会议。1999年4月在美国纽约举行的第44届国际语言学会(International Linguistic Association)把“性别与语言”(Gender & Language)作为本次大会的中心议题进行讨论,这说明当代语言学家已经把人类的性别差异作为语言学研究中一个不可忽视的重要因素来对待(赵蓉晖,1999)。

第一章 引 言1
1.1 研究背景1
1.2 我国的现状3
1.2.2 教科书编审性别平等意识淡薄4
1.3 研究意义5
第二章 相关研究回顾7
2.1 性别歧视的定义7
2.2 性别歧视在中外文化中的表现8
2.2.1 性别歧视在国外的表现8
2.2.2 性别歧视在我国的表现10
2.3 国外关于教科书中的性别歧视研究11
2.4 国内关于教科书中的性别歧视研究14
第三章 研究对象和研究方法16
3.1 研究对象16
3.2 研究方法17
第四章 材料分析19
4.1 两性出现频次19
4.1.1 主人公19
4.1.2 杰出人物20
4.1.3 单元标题23
4.1.4 插图24
4.2 性别角色25
4.2.1 职业角色25
4.2.2 家庭角色27
4.3 会话分析28
4.3.1 话题差异29
4.3.2 话语控制权31
4.3.3 打断、附加问句和闪避语31
4.4 语言方面的性别歧视32
4.4.1 标记性33
4.4.2 成对结构的词序34
4.4.3 通称结构35
第五章 消除英语教科书性别歧视现象的思考与建议38
5.1 国外消除性别歧视现象的措施38
5.2 消除我国教科书性别歧视的建议40
5.2.1 立法和法规性文件40
5.2.2 教科书的编写和审查41
5.2.3 教科书的选用42
第六章 结 语45
6.1 研究结论45
6.2 本研究的不足和有待进一步研究的领域46
参 考 文 献48
附录 本研究使用的高中英语教科书56
后 记57
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运用定量和定性研究方法,通过对我国普通高中1996-2005年使用的由人民教育出版社出版的全日制普通高级中学教科书(试验修订本•必修)系列英语教科书(高一到高三,含5本教科书)中的性别表现从内容(content)和语言(language)两方面进行系统研究,发现该套教科书在两性出现频次(含主人公、杰出人物、单元标题中的出现频次、插图)上存在性别歧视,其中男女主人公比例是78.2%和21.8%;男女杰出人物比例是84.8%和 15.2%,女性杰出人物仅有5人,即Rosa Parks,Madame Curie,Annie Sullivan, Helen Keller, Florence Nightingale;男女两性在单元标题中的比例是81.8%和18.2%;插图更多地表现男性,占人物插图的64.7%,从插图内容分析,虽然表现了女性与体育和户外活动如植树、郊游,但插图也表现了女性性别刻板化印象,从而强化了教科书性别刻板化印象,如职业方面,如男医生和女护士、服装店服务员、侍者、前台接待员,而表现男性服务职业的插图仅出现了一次,即酒店服务员;家庭角色方面多次表现女性做饭的传统角色,而没有一幅插图表现男性在厨房做饭;女性购衣、女性试衣,而反映男性与服装的仅一幅插图(SEFC 2A第57页),反映的是Mark Twain写的短篇小说里的百万富翁Tod,通过其买衣经历讽刺人的势利媚态。
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