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摘 要:理查德•斯根普(Richard Skemp)是英国的数学教育与心理学专家,他不但编写学校数学教科书,也发表了许多关于人类学习的论文。由于斯根普是一个心理学家兼数学教育家,因此他能立足于数学与心理学的交叉点上,深刻探讨数学学习中的心理学问题与数学问题的相互关系和作用,他的著作《数学学习心理学》影响很大。
1. 教师角色意识的转化。教师不再是传统意义上的“传道授业解惑者”,而是课堂教学活动的组织者、策划者,学生主动学习的引导者。
2. 能使学生真正意识到自主学习的重要性。并且通过课堂教学实践,培养学生自主探索的精神和意识,真正成为学习的主人。
3. 使学生摆脱繁重的学业,提高学习效率,真正地学会学习,热爱学习,为终身教育打下坚实的基础。

关键词:斯根普,智慧学习,建构主义 ,反思,非智力因素

ABSTRACT :Richard Skemp who is a famous English mathematical educationist and psychologist, not only spelled out many mathematical books, but also published many theses on human study. Because Richard Skemp is a mathematical educationist and psychologist, he can base his study on the intersection between the mathematics and psychology to deeply explore the relationship and effect between the psychology problems of mathematics study and mathematical problems. His works, Psychology on Math Study, has a great effect to others.
The aim of this topic is to study teaching method and cultivate students to have a healthy psychology when studying mathematics, which is inspired by the “General Rules on Wisdom Study” of Richard Skemp. It also studies how to let students study mathematics actively and efficiently. The thesis also explores the scientific and operational ways to improve the quality of mathematical teaching. By studying and practicing this topic, I want to reach the following three targets:
1. The transition of the teachers’ ideas. Teachers are not the traditional educator of preaching doctrine, instructing and solving puzzles at all, but the sponsor and organizers of the class and the guider of the students who will study actively.
2. Making students realize the importance of self-study. We will cultivate the students to have the spirits and intention of self-exploring and become the master of study.
3.Geting students to shed the heavy work of study, improving the study efficiently, and learning the right ways of study and liking study, which will make a base for their life-long study.
In reality, the process of students’ learning mathematics is to construct a process to understand mathematical knowledge by them: they begin their study with their original background knowledge, activity experience and understanding. They will construct their understanding to mathematics through their own activities, including independent thinking, communicating with others and reconsidering. The constructionist believes that any teaching theory should explain how to let every student inclined to study, have an interesting in mathematics, how to stimulate their studying motive and also illustrate how the factors of environment will affect the students’ studying attitudes; The teaching theory should explain how to construct the knowledge which is favorable to students’ study and explain to the students how to organize the materials to promote their study and present them to the students in best ways; it should also show how to use award and penalty.
When the students’ learning ways are transformed from understanding, remembering and reappearance to practicing by themselves, independent exploration, cooperating and communicating, the students will not only get knowledge in mathematics classes.
Reconsidering our teaching process and teaching reform, I think the mathematics class should pay attention to the learning process and emotional experience of the students. The educational ideas of the new curriculum will be best manifested if we create an environment of equality, open, operation and communication to let mathematical teaching become the teaching of math thought.
The teacher who is treated as the person to preach doctrine, instruct and dispel doubts should get out of the roles as “an keeping the sound tube”, but become the leading factor of the class and let students become the main body of the class.
When talking about mathematical teaching, people always think the factors, which affect the teaching effect, are the bases and intelligence of the students. This is an error area of cognition. In reality, the studies of psychology have already manifested: to the students whose marks are general or relatively poor, the difference of marks between them is the non-intelligence factors but not the intelligence level.

Key words: Richard Skemp, wisely study, constructivism, reflective thinking, non-intelligence factors

前 言

教学是一门艺术,是每位教师必须用毕生精力进行学习与探索的一门学问。最近一年来,我研读了理查德•斯根普(Richard Skemp)所著的《数学学习心理学》。这是一本结合心理学理论和数学教学经验的好书,它使我体会到数学教育的真谛,也使我惊奇的发现在数学教学中,竞有这么多细密的内涵,进而对数学教学的价值观以及数学教学的意义,有了更进一步的认识。

前 言1
第一章 理查德•斯根普及其主要论著概述2
1.1 理查德•斯根普生平2
1.2 理查德•斯根普主要著作3
1.3 理查德•斯根普的理论与实践3
第二章 理查德•斯根普数学教育思想5
2.1 关于数学概念的形成5
2.2 “图式”的思想6
2.3 基模(schema)的特性10
2.4 思考层次的分析11
2.5 代数与几何的结合12
2.6 数学学习中的理解方式14
2.7 数学学习中的情感因素16
第三章 理查德•斯根普的数学学习心理学思想对我们的启示18
3.1 理查德•斯根普的数学学习心理学思想对我国数学教学的启示18
3.1.1 我国数学教学的现状18
3.1.2 新课程改革的要求19
3.1.3 斯根普的教育思想对我们的积极作用20
3.2 教学改革实践——初中数学主体性研究报告21
3.3 在教学实践中进一步完善理查德•斯根普的教育思想27
3.3.1 数学教学的反思27
3.3.2 把建构理论贯穿学生学习过程28
3.3.3 实施区别化教学29
3.3.4 斯根普的数学教育思想的传承30
3.3.5 辩证地对待斯根普的数学教育思想32
结 束 语33
注 释34
参 考 文 献35
致 谢36
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