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关键词: 校本课程 校本课程开发 理论与实践

Theoretical & Practical Research On the Development of History School-based Curriculum

Abstract :The development of school-based curriculum is one of the focuses in the world’s curriculum reform of elementary education. In china, it has aroused general concern as well. History school-based curriculum development is a progress aiming to choose, adapt, complement, expand school curriculum, to design learning activities, to implement the inner assessment system, with school as it’s research base and teachers as the principal undertaker, according to educational source and ideas of school, through the cooperation with experts, parents of students, and community people etc.

The term of the development of school-based curriculum was definitely put forward for the first time in 1973,since then, a great deal of special literature concerned has been written abroad. Because of the difference of the political and cultural background, economic condition and educational tradition, the scholars of curriculum and education are prone to study the development of school-based curriculum from the point that they pay close attention to.

In China, the researchers concentrate on the definition of the concepts, the collection and arrangement of individual case of the development of school-based curriculum home and abroad, and the development of activity course and elective course, etc. Actually, the development and implementation of school-based curriculum is constricted to some primary schools and some model high schools with excellent facilities and teachers;while in some inferior schools,there is a large room for improvement.

In view of the above-mentioned facts, the article tries to develop the history textbook curriculum in my school by the integration of theory and practice, using method of authentic proof and action research, in order to help solve the problem of developing the history textbook curriculum in my school, to clarify the problems in which the analysis of school circumstances determines the draft of curriculum target, the choice of curriculum content, the curriculum development, and the curriculum implementation in the development of textbook curriculum, to offer some reference and enlightenment for the development of school-based curriculum in other schools.
The article includes the following parts:
1.On the basis of the analysis of literature and theoretical research, the concept of school-based curriculum is explained , and the explanatory from different scholars from different points are clarified and the development of school-based curriculum is particularly defined.
2.The theory of the development of school-based curriculum is particularly set forth from the theory of humanism, the theory of the science of explanation, the curriculum concept of last-contemporaries , the theory of constructivism and the theory of reconstructing school culture.
3.The necessity of the development of school-based curriculum is explained from the views of students, teachers, school and quality education.
4.From the analysis of both outside and inside school circumstances analysis, the article probes into the important factors that influence the development of school-based curriculum and deals with problems in the development of school-based curriculum: the analysis of school circumstances determines the draft of curriculum target, the choice of curriculum content, the curriculum development and the curriculum implementation etc. And it deals with particularly the necessity and importance of the analysis of local curriculum source. Finally, it evaluates the whole course of the development of school-based curriculum by the feedback of implementation effect.
5.The article emphasizes that the evaluation content and evaluation method of the development of school-based curriculum must relate to the study attitude, the study course and method, the communication and cooperation and operating practice.

Key word: school-based curriculum, the development of school-based curriculum, theoretical and practical

校本课程是世界各国基础教育课程改革中的焦点之一,在我国也受到广泛关注。国外经济发达国家对校本课程开发研究较早,无论在理论上还是在实践上都取得了丰硕的成果。综观具有代表性的校本课程开发的理论可以看出,学者们研究的侧重点各有不同。菲吕马克( Furumark)强调开发的主体;麦克米伦(McMull)却强调课程开发的场所;斯基尔贝克(M.Skilbek)强调开发的活动方式;斯基尔贝克(Skilbeck, M)提出了校本课程开发的情境模式,即在分析学校情境的基础上进行校本课程开发;埃格尔斯顿(Eggleston)从学生的角度强调校本课程开发要开发适合学生需要的课程;沃尔顿(Walton)则重视校本课程开发中对教材的选择、改编;美国学者塞勒等人在1981年作了进一步的改进,提出了课程开发的问题解决途径,强调学校教育现场的课程开发,具有校本课程开发的精神,学者一般也把它作为一种课程开发的程序;麦克肯南(Mckernan.J)则认为校本课程开发要建立一种自下而上的模式;肯尼(Keiny S)和威斯(Weiss T)强调校本课程开发中人员的参与和课程开发策略的开放性;马什等人(Marsh et al)则强调对校本课程开发的要求。

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