摘 要:职业教育是面向人人、以就业为导向的教育,是教育体系的重要组成部分。从20世纪90年代中后期开始,我国的职业教育陷入了发展困境,尤其是西部欠发达地区的职业教育发展更为困难,至今仍在低谷徘徊。在广大的西部地区,职业教育实际上主要是面向农村和城镇中低收入阶层,他们在社会都相对处于弱势地位,职业教育得不到有效发展,就会减少这部分群体接受教育的机会,进而严重影响到我国社会的公平和公正。职业教育往往与一个区域经济社会发展水平紧密联系,研究探讨某一区域职业教育发展问题不仅可丰富我国职业教育理论,而且更具有重要的现实意义。本文根据《国务院关于大力发展职业教育的决定》提出的建立“有中国特色的现代职业教育体系”的目标,具体探讨了我国西部欠发达地区发展职业教育的路径和对策措施,基于对云南省保山市职业教育发展状况的个案分析和与全国、全省的比较,概括出了影响西部欠发达地区农村职业教育发展的深层次原因主要是:传统的“精英教育思潮”是制约职业教育发展的思想根源,不合理的制度安排和缺少有效机制制衡是降低地方政府发展职业教育积极性的关键因素,职业教育研究的不足使职业教育发展缺乏充足的理论支撑,职业教育课程内容的单一难以适应学生和经济社会发展的需求;提出现阶段西部欠发达地区农村职业教育发展方向是为农村劳动力向非农产业和城镇转移服务、为西部欠发达地区的现代化建设培养输送各层次的技能型人才、为培养造就新农民发挥重要作用,发展西部欠发达地区农村职业教育要着力解决全社会对职业教育的认识问题、制度安排问题和投入问题,构建多元化、多形式、多层次的职业教育体系,重点是发展中等职业教育。
关键词:中国西部 欠发达地区 农村职业教育 发展对策
Abstract :Vocational education, a vital part of national education system, is vocation-oriented and for all the people. Since late 1980s, the Chinese vocational education has come to a difficult period, especially, in the less-developed regions in the west. For these places, vocational education is intended for the village people and low income people in towns. They are the inferior class in the society. Therefore, they can hardly receive sufficient education when vocational education can not be fully developed, hence the social justice and fairness is influenced.
Vocational education is in tight relation to the regional development of local society and economy. Doing research on regional vocational education can not only enrich the national vocational education theory, but also guide the practical policy making. The thesis is on measures that should be taken to further develop vocational education in the less-developed areas in the west, according to the goals of setting up a modern vocational education system with the Chinese characteristic, which was from a decision made by the central government to boost vocational education. The thesis is based on the sample analysis of the present situation of Baoshan’s vocational education. And a comparison study was done on the provincial, even national development in the field. The thesis comes up with what has restrained the development of vocational education in less-developed areas: firstly, the traditional way of thinking “elite education” is the wrong ideological trend blocking it; secondly, the lack of effective balancing system and inappropriate policy-making have caused local government’s unwillingness to further develop and invest; thirdly, insufficient theory support is due to insufficient research in the field, which results in the lack of course knowledge; fourthly, vocational education in less-developed areas, especially countryside, should focus on training and transporting extra labors to towns to serve none-agricultural industries and on training skilled workers and farmers. It is the ideology, policy-making and investment that should renewed to further develop vocational education in the west, so that the system could be reformed to be a multi-leveled and multi-formed one with a focus on middle grade vocational education.
The thesis consists of four parts. The preface is about the purpose of choosing the topic, present development of vocational education in the world, and defined all the concepts like rural vocational education, and so on. Part one is a brief introduction to the present economic and social development of Baoshan, and stressed on present situation of the middle grade vocational education. Part two is a comprehensive analysis on the present situation like problems and difficulties, and the past achievement in developing vocational education. Part three drew conclusions on why there are so many problems developing it while part four gives ways and suggestions possible to solve the problems.
Key words: the west of China, less-developed areas, rural vocational education, suggestions on further development of vocational education.
前 言
改革开放27年来,经过全党和全国各族人民的艰苦努力,我国顺利实现了现代化建设“三步走”战略的第一步、第二步发展目标,2003年,人均GDP突破1000美元大关,达到1090美元,2004年达到1482美元 ,全国“总体进入了小康”。尽管如此,这还是“低水平的、不全面的、发展很不平衡的小康” 。地区发展不平衡,东中西部发展差距和城乡发展差距扩大是其中最突出的问题,这种差距不仅仅表现在GDP发展水平和人均收入上,而且更突出地体现在社会发展水平上,其实质仍然是城乡地区间的差距,核心是人的发展的差距问题,最终还是教育投入不足和发展不平衡的问题。