摘 要:中学语文作文教学存在着极大的问题。中学生在写作文时,大都或写一些大家耳熟能详,顺手拈来又放之四海而皆准的真理,或编一些假的故事。只要翻看一下学生的作文本,就会看到一个令人痛心的现象:大家都在用几乎相同的腔调,说着几乎相同的观点。社会发展嬗变没有在这些作文中留下什么痕迹。长期以来,对作文现状的研究都从教师这一视角出发,认同于学生的作文之所以如此,是因为缺乏观察生活,缺乏创新思想。本研究避开这一传统的研究路径,对学生作文中为什么不肯写自己的真实想法这一问题进行思考。第一章从微观权力视角入手,论述中学作文的教学命题、写作讲评,以及在阅读教学中贯穿的写作指导,是在对学生进行规训化训练。正是这种训练导致了学生作文的失语:不会作文,写作模式化,甚至抄袭。第二章思索学生作文规训化的原因是对学生作文能力的考核一直以来被赋予着一个写作不能承受之重:兼顾考核学生的思想品德。学生在“思想正确”的要求之下只能寻求用公共话语模式来表达。第三章考察了作文中两种对公共话语模式的“反抗”形式:学生的潜在写作、以“零分作文”的形式对作文“规则”的调侃 。可是,在强大的规训力量的压抑下,这种声音显得异常的微弱。第四章,论述规训化的写作教育,实际上已经背离了学生健康成长的方向。写作应该回到教化的方向上来,回归语言表达的本质,自由的表达才是作文的春天。
关键词:中学生作文 规训 反叛 自由
ABSTRACT:There is the great problem in Chinese composition teaching of middle school .When middle school students are writing the compositions ,most of them either write some truth ,that they have at hand ,and people are familiar with ,and is valid everywhere ,or they make up some untrue stories .Scanning the students’ compositions ,We can see a mortifying phenomena :all of them use almost the same tune to express almost the same views. The mark of social development and transmutation can’t be found in their compositions. For a long time, people have been studying composition’s present situation from teacher’s angle, and think that the students’ compositions are so because they lack of observing social life and innovative idea. The paper avoids the traditional studying way and thinks over the question why middle school students wouldn’t like to write down their own true idea. The first chapter, from the angle of the microcosmic power, points out that topic-setting and writing comment of middle school composition, and writing guidance running through reading teaching give the students the discipline practice. And it’s this kind of practice that causes the oppressive silence in their compositions: they can’t write, even copying, they writing patterns. The second chapter thinks over the reason of the students’ composition discipline is that the examination to the students’ writing ability has been exerting a great weight that writing couldn’t bear: examining the students’ moral character. Under the demand of “right idea”, the students have to seek to use public discourse pattern to express. The third chapter examines two forms of “rebelling” against public discourse pattern: the students’ potential writing, ridiculing the “rule” of composition by “getting zero in composition”. However, under the repression of strong discipline strength, the voice appears extremely weak. The fourth chapter points out that disciplinary writing education has actually deviated from the direction of students’ healthy growth. Writing should return to the direction of cultivating and to the essence of language expression. Free expression is just spring of composition.
Keywords : composition of middle school students , discipline , rebellion , freedom
二十世纪末注定在中国语文教育史中无法被遗忘。1997年11月号的《北京文学》刊发的一组文章(邹静之《女儿的作业》、王丽《中学语文教学手记》、薛毅《文学教育的悲哀》)以“忧思中国语文教育”为题,试图道出语文教育中的沉疴。 以此为起点,引发了一场由语文教育界外部继而进入内部的对语文教育的讨论与反思的风暴。1999年6月,第三次全国教育会议发布《关于深化教育改革全面推进素质教育的决定》,提出要调整和改革课程体系、结构与内容,基础教育改革拉开了序幕,各科教学大纲也随之开始修订。2001年,《语文课程标准(实验稿)》义务教育阶段颁行。从课程改革的目标上来看,改变知识本位、学科本位,提倡学生主体,课程管理适当放权,改革评价机制,这些以往困扰我们已久的问题都已被提出来。在这样的时代背景下,作为语文教学中的半壁江山的作文教学情况如何呢?