摘 要:思维被喻为“人类最美丽的花朵”。“数学是科学的皇后”,更是“思维的体操”。在即将全面实施的《高中数学课程标准》中,将数学定位为“在形成人类理性思维和促进个人智力发展的过程中发挥着独特的、不可替代的作用。数学教育使学生学会用数学的思考方式解决问题、认识世界”。近几年的数学高考中越来越注重考数学素质和潜能,强调“数学是培养理性思维的重要载体,通过模式结构、运用判断、分析、综合、演绎、推理、论证等思维方法,增强分析判断能力,提高思维品质”。如今,信息表征方式的重大变革,向人类习惯的思维方式提出了挑战,“网络思维”的出现标志着人类思维的发展进入了一个新阶段。
本文首先通过问卷和案例深入分析了高中生数学思维能力和认知结构的现状以及产生这些问题的原因,并在此基础上进行了CPFS结构与高中生数学思维的灵活性、深刻性的相关研究,进而探讨了在高中数学课堂教学中完善个体学习心理的‘CPFS结构’的 教学策略。即实施诸如“抛锚式教学策略”、“问题链”等策略来改进教师‘教’的策略,通过“分层作业”、“构建知识网络图”等来改善学生‘学’的策略,另外,通过“波利亚解题表”、“解题策略训练”等来增强学生的元认知体验及监控策略。最后结合近一年的教学实验研究,在定性研究与定量研究有机结合的基础上得出结论,结果显示个体学习心理的CPFS结构是一种促进学生数学学习的良好的认知结构,‘CPFS结构’的完善能有效提高学生数学思维的灵活性和深刻性,同时还能有效提高学生数学学习的兴趣、动机、态度等非智力因素,最终能有效提高学生的数学学习成绩和探究能力。
Abstract :Thinking has always been regarded as “the most beautiful human flower”, “Mathematics, known as the empress of science, is considered as the gymnastics of thinking. As stated in “The Mathematics Course Standard in High School” to be implemented nationwide soon, mathematics plays a unique and irreplaceable role in forming man’s reasoning ability in thinking and promoting people’s intelligence. Mathematics education empowers the students with the abilities to solve problems from the point of view of mathematics and in consequence get to know the world.” In the last few years, students’ quality and potentials in mathematics have been more and more stressed in the national matriculation mathematics tests, believing that mathematics is an important media through which the reasoning ability is developed and the students thinking ability is trained and promoted by means of structural modes judgments, analysis, summary, deduction, inference , demonstration etc. Currently, the information age has posed a great challenge to people’s traditional modes of thinking and thinking with the help of the internet is a symbol of a new stage of people’s mode of thinking.
A lot of achievements have been made in the research of the thinking ability in mathematics both at home and abroad, the research remains superficial, lacking experiments upon which to base the research. Besides, little research has been made of the thinking ability in advanced mathematics has long been a problem. When talking about “the key issues concerning the research in mathematics education and its trend and teacher development of mathematics teachers, Zheng Yu-xin pointed out “emphasis should be laid on the actual thinking activity the students are involved in in the course of learning of mathematics instead of on the analysis of the teaching material and the research of methodology. As far as the teaching of mathematics is concerned, teaching the basic knowledge of mathematics and the knowledge concerning teaching is not enough, we should also take into account the students’ cognitive quality. Based on the above mentioned, I have selected from the CPFS Structure,--- which is considered unique cognitive structure of mathematics, and high school students’ thinking in mathematics,---two important indexes of thinking, i.e. flexibility and profoundness as the focus of my research., trying to study the relation between each individual’s psychological “CPFS Structure” and the flexibility and profoundness in high school students’ thinking quality and its effect from a totally new perspective.
Based on the questionnaire and case study, this paper analyzes the current situation and problems in high school students’ thinking in mathematics and their cognitive structure and traces the cause of these problems. On the basis if these, it then further carries on research on the relation between the “CPFS Structure” and the flexibility and profoundness in high school students’ ability of thinking in mathematics and discusses the teaching strategy on how to improve each individual’s psychological CPFS Structure in learning mathematics in the classroom., for example, introducing the strategy of creating barriers in the course of a lesson to stimulate the students to think, problem chains to improve the teacher’s teaching strategy and assigning homework of different levels to students of mixed abilities and making a chart of the subject to be learned to improve the students’ learning strategy. In addition, I have also introduced Polya’s Problem Solving Table and the training of strategy in problem solving in my research to promote the students’ initial cognitive experience and monitoring strategy.
To sum up, after a year’s experiment and research, based on both qualitative and quantitative analysis, I have come to the conclusion that the CPFS Structure is a good one promoting the students’ learning of mathematics, that the perfection of the CPFS Structure can effectively improve the students’ flexibility and profoundness in thinking in mathematics, and at the same time promote such non-intellectual qualities as their interest in mathematics, motivation and attitude and as a result improve their performance in learning mathematics and their research ability in mathematics.
Key words: knowledge structure; CPFS structure;thinking in mathematics;thinking quality in mathematics;related research;experimental research
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