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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: admin 发布时间: 13/09/05

资料包括: 论文(69页46791字) 

摘 要:习作是语文教学的一个重要组成部分,语言是构成习作的重要要素,但在粤方言区学生的习作中方言入文现象十分普遍,致使习作语言不规范,往往令人产生误解。本文试着从文本错误和社会背景分析出发,旨在找出造成学生习作中方言入文的症结所在,寻找改革语言教学的适应性策略,以期规范粤方言区学生习作中的语音、词汇、语法,提高习作的整体水平。本文力求体现教学的前沿性与策略的前瞻性。

关键词:习作 粤方言入文 错误类别 教学对策

Abstract:The composition is an important part of language teaching. Language is the important factor that constituents a composition,but it is extremely common that students use dialects in their articles in some areas of Guangdong Province where Cantonese is spoken, so that the non-standard language in the students’ compositions often causes misunderstanding. This article is trying to analyze the errors in the compositions and social background, and then find out the reasons why students use dialects in their compositions, so that we can seek the suitable strategies in the reforms of language teaching and standardize the pronunciation, vocabulary and grammar in the students’ compositions in Canton and improve the writing ability as a whole. This essay makes every effort to manifest the leading position of teaching and the foresightedness of strategy.
This article is based on 584 polytechnic school students’ compositions, which have been fully investigated. Taking the investigation results as the basis, it has analyzed all sorts of language phenomena that appear in these compositions. The essay studies and analyzes the present situation of the students’ compositions that contains Cantonese from the following aspects.
Firstly, it carries on the error analysis of the students’ compositions. It has collected some students’ articles separately according to the representative areas in Guangdong Province where dialect is spoken (the Canton coastal zone, the Si Yi zone and the Gaoyang zone, not including South of Guangxi Province because it does not belong to Guangdong Province). It induces specifically the concrete kinds of errors in the aspects such as pronunciation, glossary, grammar etc. Secondly, it turns to the study of attribution. In order to provide the teaching countermeasures with the effective basis, the thesis analyzes the social background of the errors which Cantonese appears in the students’ articles. Thirdly, it researches the applied countermeasures. This is the key point of this thesis. This part has proposed four teaching countermeasures from the teaching angle: The teaching of pronunciation should begin from the similarities and differences in the pronunciation system of Putonghua in Canton, the pronunciation correspondence rules and the pronunciation distinguishing and remembering of the words.
The teaching of glossary has pointed at summarizing the rules of using words in Mandarin, the students learn Mandarin by using “the word block theory”, and it has enhanced the language sense training in written language; The teaching of grammar pays great attention to the contrasting of differences of sentence patterns between Cantonese and Mandarin, and it asks the students to grasp the grammar rules; In addition, according to the students’ condition, teachers teach the students hierarchically and in groups and enhance the practicing in listening and speaking. Teachers must help the students to overcome the psychological barrier in the language expression, and use Putonghua throughout the classroom. Finally it carries on the actual effect proof of the teaching countermeasures rationality and the feasibility by the experimenting, it will provide the beneficial reference for the language teaching in compositions in the zone of Cantonese dialect.

Key words: composition; Guangdong dialect used in the compositions; types of errors; teaching countermeasures

引 言
粤方言传统上叫“广府话”,一般通称“粤语”,本地人又称为“白话”。 本文所要谈的“粤方言”,是指以广州话为中心的一个大方言。粤方言是汉语七大方言中语言现象较为复杂、保留古音特点和古词语较多、内部分歧较小的一个方言。“粤方言”通行于广东、广西的许多县(市),香港、澳门两个特别行政区以及海外华人社区,全世界使用粤方言的人数约在8000万左右。广东的粤方言是广东省内通行较广、影响较大的一种“强势方言”,它通行于珠江三角洲、粤中地区、粤西南地区以及粤北的部分地区,广东省境内纯粹属粤方言或以粤方言为主的县市有47个,占全省面积的1/3以上,广东省估计使用粤方言的人口近4000万 。

引 言………………………………………………………………………………………1
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